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最近接待了几位从 discuz 来的用户,说是想要给本人海内的网站装置验证码,然而 discuz 境外服务器还要解析装置核心的 DNS 到境外服务器上,所以基于 discuz 建站的不好之处就在这里。




  1. 避免歹意行为:国外的 geek 可比国内的嚣张多了,各种歹意攻打、刷票、撞库、暴力破解明码等
  2. 爱护数据和内容:爬虫什么的,国外分外嚣张,而且各种破解工具开源
  3. 应答垃圾信息和垃圾账号:通过要求用户手动实现滑动验证,能够无效缩小无意义的注册和公布垃圾信息的行为。尤其是对于内容类网站,比如说论坛。

所以说,如果想要做国外的网站或者是 App,那么做好防护是必须的。而简略好用且便宜的动静验证码是首选。



01 找到相应的供应商。

能够在 discuz 找(如果是基于 discuz 建站的,那你就只有这一个选项),或者应用极验,或者其余提供收费服务的。咱们以一家小公司 AiSecruis 的 abtCaptcha 为例(链接我就不放了,大家自行抉择适合的即可,有须要能够一起交换:出海交换)。

02 确认本人网站

环境先决条件:兼容 IE8+、Chrome、Firefox 等支流浏览器。

03 激活服务

激活 atbCAPTCHA 服务:创立 Applcation,获取 apiServer、appld、appSecret;


<script src="https://cdn.aisecurius.com/ctu-group/captcha-ui/v5/index.js" crossorigin="anonymous" id="as-captcha-script"></script>

留神:  atbCAPTCHA 脚本常常更新,请务必应用 CDN 上的资源获取最新的安全更新。不要在本人的服务器上应用正本。

04 初始化

以下是 valina JavaScript、React 和 Vue 演示。

1)JavaScript 示例

假如 <div id="demo"></div> 页面上有 a,atbCAPTCHA 能够按如下形式初始化。

var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
  appId: 'your appId', // appId, Obtaining from the console "Application Management" or "Application Configuration" module,
  apiServer: 'https://cap.aisecurius.com',
  // apiServer, The domain name address is obtained in the top left corner of the console page -> atbCAPTCHA -> "Application Management" page. It is a must to fill in it completely, including https://.
  success: function (token) {console.log('token:', token)
    // The atbCAPTCHA token is obtained for back-end verification. Note that if the obtained token is a string starting with sl, it is a downgraded token generated by the front-end network blocked. Please check the front-end network and apiServer address.

初始化后,abtCAPTCHA 组件将被插入到<div id="demo"></div>.

2) React 示例

假如页面上有<div id="demo"></div>abtCAPTCHA 能够初始化如下:

// class component use componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
    appId: 'appId',
    apiServer: 'https://xxx.xxx.com',
    success: function (token) {console.log('token:', token)
}, [])

初始化后,atbCAPTCHA 组件将被插入到<div id="demo"></div>.

3) Vue 示例

假如页面上有<div ref="demo"></div>abtCAPTCHA 能够初始化如下:

mounted() {
  as.Captcha(this.$refs.demo, {
    appId: 'appId',
    apiServer: 'https://xxx.xxx.com',
    success: function (token) {console.log('token:', token)

初始化后,atbCAPTCHA 组件将被插入到<div ref="demo"></div>.

4) 外观及尺寸

atbCAPTCHA 有四种款式:

  • embed 嵌入式(默认),这种款式下宽度默认为 300px,可通过初始化时的 width 参数调节,高度为 200px,高度不可调节
  • inline 内联式,这种款式占用面积较小,宽度默认为 300px,可通过初始化时的 width 参数调节,高度为 40px,高度不可调节
  • popup 弹出式,这种款式验证码默认不可见,调用 .show() 办法后将以浮层的模式展示,宽度为 300px,高度为 200px
  • oneclick 触发式,这种款式占用面积较小,宽度默认为 300px,可通过初始化时的 width 参数调节,高度为 40px,高度不可调节

05 Methods

atbCAPTCHA 实例具备以下办法:

reload():从新加载以后的 atbCAPTCHA

留神!请不要在胜利回调中调用 reload(),因为开启无感验证时会反复调用胜利回调。



show():显示以后的 atbCAPTCHA

如果显示以后的 atbCAPTCHA,“style”为“popup”的验证码,默认暗藏。接入用户须要依据页面逻辑调用 show()办法来显示和暗藏以后的 atbCAPTCHA。






06 Event

abtCAPTCHA 可用于通过以下形式监听事件:

myCaptcha.on('ready', function () {console.log('captcha is ready!')

myCaptcha.on('verifySuccess', function (security_code) {console.log('security_code is:' + security_code)

myCaptcha.on('hide', function () {console.log('The verification code control is hidden.')



01 Java 版本

下载 Java7 及以上版本的 SDK。

Maven 依赖

/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
String appId = "appId";
String appSecret = "appSecret";
CaptchaClient captchaClient = new CaptchaClient(appId,appSecret);
CaptchaResponse response = captchaClient.verifyToken(token);
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
if (response.getResult()) {/** The token verification passes, to continue other processes **/} else {/** If the token verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA **/}

02 PHP 版本

下载 PHP 版 SDK:点击下载

include ("CaptchaClient.php");
/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
$appId = "appId";
$appSecret = "appSecret";
$client = new CaptchaClient($appId,$appSecret);
$client->setTimeOut(2);      // Set the timeout, 2 seconds by default; 
$response = $client->verifyToken(token);  // ; The token refers to the value passed from the frontend, that is, the token issued after the verification code is successfully verified
echo $response->serverStatus;
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
    echo "true";
    /** the token verification passes, to continue other processes **/
    echo "false";
    /** Verification failed **/

03 Python 版本

Python 版本 SDK 下载:点击下载

from CaptchaClient import CaptchaClient

if __name__ == '__main__':
    APP_ID = '12610axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    APP_SECRET = 'a3e56cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    captchaClient = CaptchaClient(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
    # Set the timeout, 2 seconds by default
    response = captchaClient.checkToken("token")
    print response['serverStatus']
    # A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
    print response['result']
    if response['result']:
        # the token verification passes, to continue other processes; 
        # If the verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA 

04 Golang SDK

SDK 下载地址

// Version Go 1.13 

import "./captcha-client"

/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
appId := "appId"
appSecret := "appSecret"
captchaClient := captcha_client.NewCaptchaClient(appId, appSecret)
// Set the timeout, in milliseconds, 2 seconds by default 
captchaResponse := captchaClient.VerifyToken(token)
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
if captchaResponse.Result {/* The verification passes, to continue other processes  */} else {/* If the verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA  */}


