golang 生成 shared object 供其他语言使用


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golang 生成 shared object 供其他语言使用
LINUX so 文件基本概念和命名规则

libxmns.so.1.2.3 1 major 2 minor 3 release

major 增加,原有函数接口已经不能使用,minor 和 release 复归于 0
minor 增加,新增加了一些函数接口,但原有函数接口还能使用,release 复归于 0
release 增加,修改一些 bug, 函数接口不变

模板 - 供 c、java 等编译型语言或脚本语言使用
package main

import “C”
import “fmt”

//export Sum
func Sum(a int, b int) int {
return a + b

//export GetName
func GetName(firstName string) string{
return fmt.Sprint(firstName,”-so”)

func main(){

注意,即使是要编译成动态库,也要有 main 函数,上面的 import “C” 一定要有 而且一定要有注释
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o libhello.so .\libhello.go
使用 lua 脚本语言调用

luajit 环境变量配置
export LUA_PATH=”~/?.lua;;”
export LUAJIT_LIB=/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib
export LUAJIT_INC=/usr/local/openresty/luajit/include/luajit-2.1
export LUAJIT_HOME=/usr/local/openresty/luajit

export PATH
调用 demo
local lua2go = require(‘lua2go’)
local example = lua2go.Load(‘./libvibrant.so’)

extern GoInt32 Sum(GoInt32 a,GoInt32 b);

luajit test_go.lua
plug 模式
1、golang 1.8+ 支持 2、只支持 golang
package main

import (
func DCall(){
fmt.Println(“plugin.so was called”)

func DCallWithParam(msg string){
fmt.Println(“ 参数内容为:”,msg)

func main() {
fmt.Println(“goroute 全部退出 ”)
go build –buildmode=plugin plugin.go
package main

import (
func main() {

// 加载动态库
p, err := plugin.Open(“plugin.so”)
if err != nil {
// 查找函数
f, err := p.Lookup(“DCall”)
if err != nil {
// 转换类型后调用函数

f2, err := p.Lookup(“DCallWithParam”)
if err != nil {

// 带参函数的调用
f2.(func(string))(“hello world,plugin.so”)
go buildmode 说明
The ‘go build’ and ‘go install’ commands take a -buildmode argument which
indicates which kind of object file is to be built. Currently supported values

Build the listed non-main packages into .a files. Packages named
main are ignored.

Build the listed main package, plus all packages it imports,
into a C archive file. The only callable symbols will be those
functions exported using a cgo //export comment. Requires
exactly one main package to be listed.

Build the listed main package, plus all packages it imports,
into a C shared library. The only callable symbols will
be those functions exported using a cgo //export comment.
Requires exactly one main package to be listed.

Listed main packages are built into executables and listed
non-main packages are built into .a files (the default

Combine all the listed non-main packages into a single shared
library that will be used when building with the -linkshared
option. Packages named main are ignored.

Build the listed main packages and everything they import into
executables. Packages not named main are ignored.

Build the listed main packages and everything they import into
position independent executables (PIE). Packages not named
main are ignored.

Build the listed main packages, plus all packages that they
import, into a Go plugin. Packages not named main are ignored.
