eslint + pre-commit


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eslint + pre-commit
上一篇文章,把 eslint 引入了项目中做代码规范检查。但是在团队协作中,还是可能有同事误提交不合规范的代码,于是有了 eslint + pre-commit 的方案。
pre-commit 是 git 的钩子,顾名思义就是在提交前运行,所以一般用于代码检查、单元测试。git 还有其他钩子,比如 prepare-commit-msg、pre-push 等,具体可查看 git 官网。
1、安装 pre-commit
npm install -D pre-commit
2、配置 package.json
“scripts”: {
“start”: “cross-env NODE_ENV=development node build/dev.js”,
“build”: “cross-env NODE_ENV=production node build/prod.js”,
“lint”: “eslint –ext .jsx,.js src/ –fix ./src –cache”
“pre-commit”: [
就这样,就实现了在每次 commit 之前进行代码检查。我们可以试一下 在有不合规范代码的情况下 commit,出现如下:
7:12 error Parsing error: Unexpected token

5 |
6 | export class About extends Component {
> 7 | console.log(111);
| ^
8 |
9 | render () {
10 | return (

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

pre-commit: We’ve failed to pass the specified git pre-commit hooks as the `lint`
pre-commit: hook returned an exit code (1). If you’re feeling adventurous you can
pre-commit: skip the git pre-commit hooks by adding the following flags to your commit:
pre-commit: git commit -n (or –no-verify)
pre-commit: This is ill-advised since the commit is broken.
