首个成功的 Promise
从一组 Promise 里面得到第一个“成功的”结果,同时获得了并发执行的速度和容灾的能力。
Promise.race 不满足需求,因为如果有一个 Promise reject,结果 Promise 也会立即 reject。
function firstSuccess(promises){
return Promise.all(promises.map(p => {
// If a request fails, count that as a resolution so it will keep
// waiting for other possible successes. If a request succeeds,
// treat it as a rejection so Promise.all immediately bails out.
return p.then(val => Promise.reject(val),
err => Promise.resolve(err)
// If '.all' resolved, we've just got an array of errors.
errors => Promise.reject(errors),
// If '.all' rejected, we've got the result we wanted.
val => Promise.resolve(val)
- 有多条路可以走,其中任意一条路走通即可,其中有一些路失败也没关系
- 为了加速得到结果,并发地走多条路,避免瀑布式 尝试
参考自 https://stackoverflow.com/a/3…
异步 reduce
通过 瀑布式 的异步操作,将一个 array reduce 成一个值。
(async () => {const data = [1, 2, 3]
const result = await data.reduce(async (accumP, current, index) => {
// 后面的处理要等待前面完成
const accum = await accumP;
const next = await apiCall(accum, current);
return next
}, 0);
console.log(result) // 6
async function apiCall(a, b) {return new Promise((res)=> {setTimeout(()=> {res(a+b);}, 300)
对 reduce 的运用堪称巧妙!
与更常见的【array.map + Promise.all 方案】对比:
(async () => {const data = [1, 2, 3]
const result = await Promise.all(data.map(async (current, index) => {
// 处理是并发的
return apiCall(current)
async function apiCall(a) {return new Promise((res) => {setTimeout(() => {res(a * 2)
}, 300)
- 两个方案相同点:对每个数组项执行处理,并且其中任一次处理的失败都会造成整体失败
- reduce 方案是瀑布式的,map 方案是并发的
参考自 https://stackoverflow.com/a/4…