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译:What are the true propositions for blockchain?


译:The true propositions for blockchain, it is should start from false propositions.


译:Actually, there is so many false propositions for blockchain.


译:What we’ve seen so far is that no matter setting standards or trying of various chains, they’re basically false propositions.


译:As far the true propositions, it needs start from the true propositions of blockchain.


译:In fact, what we thinking about is the true proposition of blockchain, the data of it should be strongly proved.


译:So the other point is if the data is not strongly proved what are the other scenarios for it?


译:Here is one other example, digital securitization, or securitization of assets, which is a better direction and is a true proposition for now.


译:The third one is the way of pay.


译:As for a payment way, the government has issued some statements before, including the project of payment in ShenZhen. In fact, this is also a true proposition at present.


译:It has been proved before the blockchian and bitcoin comes up before long time ago.


译:It’s the way that we’ve been paying for a long time, which is a true proposition and a sort of true proposition.


译:The fourth one is the project supporting by government. What is the direction like?


译:For example, that is the situation that some of the foreign exchange denial Banks with some of the government’s foreign exchange control.

包括现在央行出来的一条链,他们其实在对银行已经实施了这些链的账本的共享, 就是这个已经实现落地了,就是今年 7 月份已经正式的发布了,

译:Including the current chain by the central bank, which has implemented the sharing of the account books of these chains of Banks, which has been implemented and officially released in July this year.


译:It has conducted a foreign exchange among many Banks, which is more convenient for them to conduct a foreign exchange.


译:It devote to create some scenarios, so some strong application scenarios like the government is also a true proposition of blockchain. It is the direction probably.


译:Is blockchain performance really that important? How to take full advantage of blockchain performance?


译:Speaking of the blockchain performance that I think it is relatively important.


译:People don’t think it’s important right now, because there aren’t enough scenarios.

没有足够的应用能够把这个 TPS 或者这个性能应用起来,

译:Have no enough application can fully use the TPS.


译:It not means the chance still here. The people who find the chance and benefit from the chance that will be finish.


译:We can find the value until people use the chance.

问:IPFS 能解决什么问题?它有哪些缺点?

译:What problems can IPFS solve? What are its disadvantages?

说到 IPFS 这个问题的话,IPFS 其实它本质上是一种技术的革新,

译:Speaking of IPFS which is an innovation of technology.


译:It is a perfect direction so far.

但是我们从正常的一个商业的角度或者从一个正常的使用逻辑上面来讲的话,其实 IPFS 它有一个天生的缺陷,

译:But from a normal business point of view or from a normal usage logic, IPFS has an inherent flaw.


译:Although it solves the problem of an intermediation of our storage or expensive storage, including for expensive cloud services, it will make other issue that is wasting cheap storage.


译:So it has a big issue that is design flaws in business scenarios.


译:It doesn’t mean that the storage machine, and our storage capacity, can be put to good use. This is a big design flaws.

问:POC 共识的存在有那些意义,是否是对 IPFS 的补充?

译:What does the POC consensus mean? Is it a supplement to IPFS?

POC 共识的话,其实之前我也跟我业内的很多朋友探讨过,

译:I discussed about POC consensus with many friends in the industry before.

那 POC 共识到底有没有意义,很多人认为它是作为像 POW 一样,

译:If the POC consensus makes sense or not, many people think of it as POW.


译:But I’m being ineffective. I’m filling the disks and the storage capacity.

其实它真正创造的价值没有,它是没有创造价值的,那么我把它比喻成,POW 的一个升级。

译:In fact, it does not really create value. So I compare it be a upgrade of POW.

那么我个人认为呢,其实 POW(POC)是一种没有意义的算法,

译:I think POW is an algorithm that doesn’t make sense.


译:It could be a further waste of what we called storage capacity.


译:Even using an unfair way to engage in a vicious competition to bid up the price of storage capacity.


译:Or turn the ecology into a vicious development that could go in this direction.

所以 POC 它并不算一个特别健康的生态,

译:Therefore, POC is not a healthy ecology.

所以说作为 IPFS 补充这一点的话,其实应该算是 IPFS 的补充,IPFS 它本身就有一个问题就是我们刚刚谈论的浪费掉大量的存储,

译:So as a complement of IPFS, and IPFS itself has a problem with that which we just mentioned wasting a lot of storage.

POC 想到的这一点就是想填充它的空白,但是实际上这个填充的空白是否有意义,

译:The point of POC is to fill in its blanks, but whether make sense to fill in the blanks or not.


译:I think it’s controversial, let me give you a simple example.

如果说我现在把 POC 的算力目前市场上标的一个 T 的存储能力它就是一美金,

译:The hashrate of the POC which the storage capacity of a T one the market is one dollar.

那么如果说是在一个真正的有存储应用的场景的时候,它的价值标的是 0.85 或者 0.9 美金,

译:If there is a real scenario, the value of underlying is 0.85 or 0.9 dollar.

那么这个用户就会进行选择,那到底是我在 POC 来进行,给它共享存储能力呢,还是给我这个实际上有意义的,比如说是有存储价值的这样一个平台来提供一个存储服务,

译:Then, the user will make a choice. What I use it in the POC that give it the shared storage capability, or give me a platform that actually makes sense, like a platform that has storage value, to provide a storage service.


译:In fact, this is a big issue. If someone here maliciously hyped the price, it would lead to a really meaningful storage is not to enter.


译:That’s why I said is a vicious competition.

所以 POC 反过来它其实并不是一个比较健康的生态,是这么个意思。

译:So the POC is not a healthy ecology on the contrary, that’s my point.


译:The question of user is that there are three kinds of data storage in ethereum smart contract. If the state variable is stored in memory, then every node in ethereum should have the same data. And what kind of data does a hacker technically could access to?


译:In fact, from this point of view, we need to know how ethereum’s smart contract works.


译:It’s a virtual machine inside, it’s a black box.


译:If you want to get the memory data from the smart contract. At first you have to break into its virtual machine.


译:You need to know how the sandbox works, that’s a big problem.


译:Even if you get this data, so what, you can change a node. It’s like a node in ethereum.

我举个简单的例子啊,它是 5000 个节点,那么你得到一个节点的数据你把它改掉,或者说你获取到的数据,其实是没有任何意义的,

译:For example, it’s 5,000 nodes, if you get data from one node and change it, or the data that you get doesn’t really make any sense.

因为这个本身链上的数据的话,你就可以在这个节点的查询包括 Transaction

译:Because of the data on the chain itself, you can query Transaction on this node.


译:You can query its data package, so why do you go to the memory to get this data?


译:It is no necessary. So the status is already public.


译:It doesn’t make any sense that you get its memory, even if you change it or attack its virtual machine.


译:How to use the hash value to make the random seed of the card deal?


译:This is a hard issue for now.


译:A friend of mine did an experiment with an algorithm called true random Numbers.


译:He wants to leverage on its own chain, and if you want to do that through ethereum’s smart contract, which is basically impossible.


译:You can simulate, but what is simulation?


译:For example,the board games like poker,


译:In fact, how many combinations of sequences do you have for poker? 


译:You have an interval value that you can chose a random segment from the set of intervals. You can do that by hash value.


译:In this way to get a random combination of a certain position in an interval.


译:When you get this position, you could map it to a particular combination of CARDS, that’s a scheme.


译:You can go through the hash value, and taking two or three strings from the set.

比如说 123,234,456,789,这种方式来取,那么你把你需要的这些段取出来,

译:you can via the way, such as 123,234,456,789,then you can get the segment.


译:You can public it, where you take the modulus and the date?

因为未来的话在下一个 block ID 或者说是哈希,谁都不知道这个 ID 是多少,因为它是随机的,

译:Nobody knows what the ID is in the future, because it’s random.


译:So you can get the hash value by public this algorithm at any time.


译:You can intercept it in any segments, if you expose the algorithm. The solution is provable, and there’s no problem.

问:5G 技术和量子计算机技术会对区块链技术有多大的影响?

译:How much influence will 5G and quantum computing have on blockchain?

我个人认为呢 5G 技术会对区块链是一个加速,

译:I think the 5G will accelerate the blockchain.

因为目前毕竟 5G 还没有正式的被大规模的应用,

译:After all, 5G has not yet been formally applied on a large scale.

那谁也不知道这个 5G 应用到底能够给我们的区块链带来什么,

译:And nobody knows what the in influence 5G will bring to the blockchain.


译:Theoretically speaking, it is probably know low latency, high speed by everyone.


译:In fact, low latency and high speed do not have much substantial impact on blockchain industry.


译:Unless you have a low latency or low latency scenario that requires this kind of high rate acquisition.


译:It would be a combination like the Internet or some big data scenario.


译:It’s probably going to be a positive push for blockchain, it will not be a setback, because it’s a technological development.


译:There’s the quantum computer, and when it comes to quantum computers.

其实我个人认为量子计算机的出现会对 PDC 或者 SSR 这种加密的算法会造成影响的话,

译:In fact, I personally think that if the emergence of quantum computers will have an impact on encryption algorithms such as PDC or SSR.


译:The first concern should not be the blockchain industry, but the Banks.


译:So whether quantum computers exist or not, and then whether quantum computers affect blockchain or not.


译:If it is really going to have an impact on blockchain or a danger to some area of cryptography.


译:Then we will come up with a new encryption algorithm, some of which are quantum-proof.


译:There must be a way to counter it, and we don’t have to worry about it.


译:It’s going to be suppressed by some organization until we figure out the security problem, that’s sure.
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