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文章介绍最近工作中遇到的一个问题,其中 50% 以上的内容都是 Go 的源代码。剩下部分是自己的理解,如果有理解错误或探讨的地方,希望大家指正。

问题:针对同一个接口请求,绝大多数都可以正常处理,但却有零星的几请求老是处理失败,错误信息返回 context canceled。重放失败的请求,错误必现。

根据返回的错误信息,再结合我们工程中使用的 包。猜测可能是在请求处理过程中,异常调用了 context 包的CancelFunc 方法。同时,我们对比了失败请求和成功请求的区别,发现失败请求的 Response.Body 数据量非常大。

之后在 Google 上找到了问题的原因,还真是很容易被忽略,这里是文章的链接:Context cancellation flake。为了解决未来点进去 404 的悲剧,本文截取了其中的代码 …


代码核心逻辑:向某个地址发送 Get 请求,并打印响应内容。其中函数 fetch 用于发送请求,readBody用于读取响应。例子中处理请求的逻辑结构,跟我们项目中的完全一致。

fetch方法中使用了默认的 http.DefaultClient 作为 http Client,而它自身是一个“零值”,并没有指定请求的超时时间。所以,例子中又通过context.WithTimeout 对超时时间进行了设置。

代码中使用 context.WithTimeout 来取消请求,存在两种可能情况。第一种,处理的时间超过了指定的超时时间,程序返回 deadlineExceededError 错误,错误描述 context deadline exceeded。另一种是手动调用CancelFunc 方法取消执行,返回 Canceled 错误,描述信息context canceled

fetch 代码的处理逻辑中,当程序返回 http.Response 时,会执行 cancel() 方法,用于标记请求被取消。如果在 readBody 没读取完返回的数据之前,context被 cancel 掉了,就会返回 context canceled 错误。侧面也反映了,关闭 Context.Done() 与读取 http.Response 是一个时间赛跑的过程…..

package main

import (


func main() {req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
    if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)
    resp, err := fetch(req)
    if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)

func fetch(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    return ctxhttp.Do(ctx, http.DefaultClient, req)

func readBody(resp *http.Response) (string, error) {b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {return "", err}
    return string(b), err

问题的解决办法如下,作者也附带了 Test Case。请求包括发送请求和读取响应两部分,CancelFunc应该在请求被处理完成后调用。不然,就会发生上面遇到的问题。

In case it’s still unclear, you need to wrap both the “do request” + “read body” inside the same cancellation context. The “defer cancel” should encompass both of them, sort of atomically, so the idea is to take it out of your fetch, one level up.

重现 Bug


代码如下,其中 info 接口实现了下载 resource 文件的功能。我们通过控制 resource 文件的大小,来控制返回 response 大小的目的。

package main

import (

func main() {router := gin.Default()
    router.GET("/info", func(c *gin.Context) {data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./resource")
        if err != nil {log.Println("read file err:", err.Error())

        log.Println("send file resource")

首先,我们向 resource 文件中写入大量的内容,重新执行上述代码。错误日志输出:2019/06/13 21:12:37 context canceled。确实重现了!

然后,将 resource 文件内容删除到只剩一行数据,请求又可以正常处理了。

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)



根据上述分析,我们对代码进行调整:将 defer cancel() 调整到程序读取完 http.Response.Body 之后执行。具体修改如下:

  1. fetch 函数中,将 cancel 函数作为返回值,返回给调用方。
func fetch(req *http.Request) (context.CancelFunc, *http.Response, error) {ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, http.DefaultClient, req)
    return cancel, resp, err
  1. readBody 读取完数据之后,再调用 cancel 方法。
    cancel, resp, err := fetch(req)
    if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)
    defer cancel()



context deadline exceeded

我们将代码中 context.WithTimeout 的超时时间由 5*time.Second 调整为1*time.Millisecond。执行代码,输出错误日志:2019/06/13 21:29:11 context deadline exceeded

context canceled


net/http: request canceled

工作中常见的错误之一:net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers),这是由 http Client 设置的超时时间决定的。接下来我们重现一下这个 error。

fetch方法中,我们声明一个自定义的 client,并指定Timeout 属性为time.Millisecond,来替换代码中默认的client

func fetch(req *http.Request) (context.CancelFunc, *http.Response, error) {ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
    customClient := &http.Client{Timeout: time.Millisecond,}
    resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, customClient, req)
    return cancel, resp, err


2019/06/18 09:20:53 Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

如下是 http.Client 结构体中对 Timeout 的注释,它包括创建连接、请求跳转、读取响应的全部时间。

// Timeout specifies a time limit for requests made by this
// Client. The timeout includes connection time, any
// redirects, and reading the response body. The timer remains
// running after Get, Head, Post, or Do return and will
// interrupt reading of the Response.Body.
// A Timeout of zero means no timeout.
// The Client cancels requests to the underlying Transport
// as if the Request's Context ended.
// For compatibility, the Client will also use the deprecated
// CancelRequest method on Transport if found. New
// RoundTripper implementations should use the Request's Context
// for cancelation instead of implementing CancelRequest.


下面是 context 的接口类型,因为 Done() 的注解很好的解释了 context 最本质的用法,所以,特意只将这部分贴出来。在 for 循环体内,执行每次循环时,使用 select 方法来监听 Done() 是否被关闭了。如果关闭了,就退出循环。在 ctxhttp 包内,也是通过这种用法来实现对请求的控制的。

type Context interface {Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)

    // Done returns a channel that's closed when work done on behalf of this
    // context should be canceled. Done may return nil if this context can
    // never be canceled. Successive calls to Done return the same value.
    // WithCancel arranges for Done to be closed when cancel is called;
    // WithDeadline arranges for Done to be closed when the deadline
    // expires; WithTimeout arranges for Done to be closed when the timeout
    // elapses.
    // Done is provided for use in select statements:
    //  // Stream generates values with DoSomething and sends them to out
    //  // until DoSomething returns an error or ctx.Done is closed.
    //  func Stream(ctx context.Context, out chan<- Value) error {
    //      for {//          v, err := DoSomething(ctx)
    //          if err != nil {
    //              return err
    //          }
    //          select {//          case <-ctx.Done():
    //              return ctx.Err()
    //          case out <- v:
    //          }
    //      }
    //  }
    // See for more examples of how to use
    // a Done channel for cancelation.
    Done() <-chan struct{}
    Err() error
    Value(key interface{}) interface{}}

因为有业务逻辑在监听 context.Done(),所以,必然需要有逻辑来Close 调这个 Channel。而整个context 包也围绕者两个方面提供了一些方法,包括启动定时器来关闭 context.Done()。参考注释中提到的WithCancelWithDeadline 以及WithTimeout


下面是用来获取 cancelCtx 的方法,我们可以了解到 context 内部被封装的三种类型,分别是 cancelCtxtimerCtx 以及valueCtx

// parentCancelCtx follows a chain of parent references until it finds a
// *cancelCtx. This function understands how each of the concrete types in this
// package represents its parent.
func parentCancelCtx(parent Context) (*cancelCtx, bool) {
    for {switch c := parent.(type) {
        case *cancelCtx:
            return c, true
        case *timerCtx:
            return &c.cancelCtx, true
        case *valueCtx:
            parent = c.Context
            return nil, false

查看这三种类型的声明,内部都封装了一个 Context 值,用来存储父 Context。恰恰也是通过这个字段,将整个Context 串了起来。其中 timerCtx 是基于 cancelCtx 做的扩展,在其基础上添加了计时的功能。另外,cancelCtx节点中的 children 用于保存它所有的子节点。

// A cancelCtx can be canceled. When canceled, it also cancels any children
// that implement canceler.
type cancelCtx struct {

    mu       sync.Mutex            // protects following fields
    done     chan struct{}         // created lazily, closed by first cancel call
    children map[canceler]struct{} // set to nil by the first cancel call
    err      error                 // set to non-nil by the first cancel call

// A timerCtx carries a timer and a deadline. It embeds a cancelCtx to
// implement Done and Err. It implements cancel by stopping its timer then
// delegating to cancelCtx.cancel.
type timerCtx struct {
    timer *time.Timer // Under

    deadline time.Time

// A valueCtx carries a key-value pair. It implements Value for that key and
// delegates all other calls to the embedded Context.
type valueCtx struct {
    key, val interface{}}

接下来,我们了解一下,将一个新的 child context 节点挂到 parent context 的过程。

首先,程序判断 parent 的数据类型,如果是上述三种类型之一,且没有错误信息,直接将 child 存储到 parnet.childrenmap结构中。

如果 parnet 不是上述类型之一,程序会启动一个 Goroutine 异步监听 parent.Done()child.Done()是否被关闭。我的理解是,因为此时 parent 其实是 backgroundtodo中的一种(我称它为顶级 parnet),而它们内部都没有字段用于存储和child 的关系。所以,在程序 select 中绑定了它们的对应关系。另外,一个顶级 parent 也只能有一个 child,而这个child 应该是上述三种类型中的一种。只有这种一对一的情况,当 child.Done() 被关闭的时候,整个 select 退出才是合理的。

// propagateCancel arranges for child to be canceled when parent is.
func propagateCancel(parent Context, child canceler) {if parent.Done() == nil {return // parent is never canceled}
    if p, ok := parentCancelCtx(parent); ok {
        if p.err != nil {
            // parent has already been canceled
            child.cancel(false, p.err)
        } else {
            if p.children == nil {p.children = make(map[canceler]struct{})
            p.children[child] = struct{}{}
        }} else {go func() {
            select {case <-parent.Done():
                child.cancel(false, parent.Err())
            case <-child.Done():}

我们接着看一下 WithCancelWithDeadline这两个方法。前者通过调用 CancelFunc 来取消。后者在此基础上,加了一个 timer 的定时触发取消机制。如果 WithDeadline 参数 d 本身就是一个过去的时间点,那么 WithDeadlineWithCancel效果相同。

// WithCancel returns a copy of parent with a new Done channel. The returned
// context's Done channel is closed when the returned cancel function is called
// or when the parent context's Done channel is closed, whichever happens first.
// Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should
// call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.
func WithCancel(parent Context) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc) {c := newCancelCtx(parent)
    propagateCancel(parent, &c)
    return &c, func() { c.cancel(true, Canceled) }

// WithDeadline returns a copy of the parent context with the deadline adjusted
// to be no later than d. If the parent's deadline is already earlier than d,
// WithDeadline(parent, d) is semantically equivalent to parent. The returned
// context's Done channel is closed when the deadline expires, when the returned
// cancel function is called, or when the parent context's Done channel is
// closed, whichever happens first.
// Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should
// call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.
func WithDeadline(parent Context, d time.Time) (Context, CancelFunc) {if cur, ok := parent.Deadline(); ok && cur.Before(d) {
        // The current deadline is already sooner than the new one.
        return WithCancel(parent)
    c := &timerCtx{cancelCtx: newCancelCtx(parent),
        deadline:  d,
    propagateCancel(parent, c)
    dur := time.Until(d)
    if dur <= 0 {c.cancel(true, DeadlineExceeded) // deadline has already passed
        return c, func() { c.cancel(false, Canceled) }
    if c.err == nil {c.timer = time.AfterFunc(dur, func() {c.cancel(true, DeadlineExceeded)
    return c, func() { c.cancel(true, Canceled) }

最后,我们以 timerCtx 类型为例,来看看 cancel 函数的具体实现。方法的调用过程是递归执行的,内部调用的是 cancelCtxcancel方法。参数 removeFromParent 用来判断是否要从父节点中移除该节点。同时,如果计时器存在的话,要关闭计时器。

func (c *timerCtx) cancel(removeFromParent bool, err error) {c.cancelCtx.cancel(false, err)
    if removeFromParent {
        // Remove this timerCtx from its parent cancelCtx's children.
        removeChild(c.cancelCtx.Context, c)
    if c.timer != nil {c.timer.Stop()
        c.timer = nil

具体到 cancelCtx 中的 cancel 方法,函数依次 cancelchildren中存储的子节点。但我们发现,在 for 循环移除子节点的时候,removeFromParent参数值为false。我的理解是,子节点依赖的父节点都已经被移除了,子节点是否移除就不重要了。

// cancel closes c.done, cancels each of c's children, and, if
// removeFromParent is true, removes c from its parent's children.
func (c *cancelCtx) cancel(removeFromParent bool, err error) {
    if err == nil {panic("context: internal error: missing cancel error")
    if c.err != nil {
        return // already canceled
    c.err = err
    if c.done == nil {c.done = closedchan} else {close(c.done)
    for child := range c.children {
        // NOTE: acquiring the child's lock while holding parent's lock.
        child.cancel(false, err)
    c.children = nil

    if removeFromParent {removeChild(c.Context, c)

ctxhttp 中的应用


上面的例子中,我们创建了一个顶级 context.Background。在调用WithTimeout 时,parent会创建一个异步的 Goroutine 用来进行监听 Done 是否已经被关闭。同时还会为新创建的 context 设置一个计时器timer,来计算到期时间。

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)

下面是发送请求的代码,可以看到这是一个 for 循环的过程,所以非常适合 context 的处理模型。另外,该方法中有我们上面描述的错误情况:net/http: request canceled。对于这种超时错误,我们可以通过判断 error 类型,以及 timeout 是否为 true 来判断。

一直到这里,我们还没有看到 context 的核心逻辑……

func (c *Client) do(req *Request) (retres *Response, reterr error) {
  // 删除简化代码......
    for {reqs = append(reqs, req)
        var err error
        var didTimeout func() bool
        if resp, didTimeout, err = c.send(req, deadline); err != nil {// c.send() always closes req.Body
            reqBodyClosed = true
            if !deadline.IsZero() && didTimeout() {
                err = &httpError{
                    // TODO: early in cycle: s/Client.Timeout exceeded/timeout or context cancelation/
                    err:     err.Error() + "(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)",
                    timeout: true,
            return nil, uerr(err)

        var shouldRedirect bool
        redirectMethod, shouldRedirect, includeBody = redirectBehavior(req.Method, resp, reqs[0])
        if !shouldRedirect {return resp, nil}

所有对 context 的处理,都是在 Transport.roundTrip 中实现的

// roundTrip implements a RoundTripper over HTTP.
func (t *Transport) roundTrip(req *Request) (*Response, error) {t.nextProtoOnce.Do(t.onceSetNextProtoDefaults)
    ctx := req.Context()
    trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx)

    for {
        select {case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil, ctx.Err()

        // treq gets modified by roundTrip, so we need to recreate for each retry.
        treq := &transportRequest{Request: req, trace: trace}
        cm, err := t.connectMethodForRequest(treq)


在从 conn 读取数据的时候,依旧对 reqcontext做了判断。同时也可以看出,读取 Response.Body 的过程,就是不断从 resc 中读取数据的过程。

func (pc *persistConn) roundTrip(req *transportRequest) (resp *Response, err error) {
    // Write the request concurrently with waiting for a response,
    // in case the server decides to reply before reading our full
    // request body.
    startBytesWritten := pc.nwrite
    writeErrCh := make(chan error, 1)
    pc.writech <- writeRequest{req, writeErrCh, continueCh}

    resc := make(chan responseAndError)
    pc.reqch <- requestAndChan{
        req:        req.Request,
        ch:         resc,
        addedGzip:  requestedGzip,
        continueCh: continueCh,
        callerGone: gone,

    var respHeaderTimer <-chan time.Time
    cancelChan := req.Request.Cancel
    ctxDoneChan := req.Context().Done()
    for {testHookWaitResLoop()
        select {
        case <-ctxDoneChan:
            pc.t.cancelRequest(req.Request, req.Context().Err())
            cancelChan = nil
            ctxDoneChan = nil


  1. Using context cancellation in Go
