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其实我第一次看见这个东西的时候也是不解,代理目标源不就是一个 class 嘛还需要封装干嘛。。。

其实 proxy 代理的不是target, 而是TargetSource, 这点非常重要,一定要分清楚!!!

通常情况下, 一个代理对象只能代理一个 target, 每次方法调用的目标也是唯一固定的 target。但是, 如果让 proxy 代理 TargetSource, 可以使得每次方法调用的 target 实例都不同(当然也可以相同, 这取决于 TargetSource 实现)。这种机制使得方法调用变得灵活, 可以扩展出很多高级功能, 如: 单利,原型,本地线程,目标对象池、运行时目标对象热替换目标源等等。

Spring 内置的 TargetSource

    public class SingletonTargetSource implements TargetSource, Serializable {
        /** Target cached and invoked using reflection. */
        private final Object target;
        // 省略无关代码......
        public Object getTarget() {return this.target;}
        // 省略无关代码......

从这个目标源取得的目标对象是单例的,成员变量 target 缓存了目标对象,每次 getTarget() 都是返回这个对象。

    public class PrototypeTargetSource extends AbstractPrototypeBasedTargetSource {
        * Obtain a new prototype instance for every call.
        * @see #newPrototypeInstance()
       public Object getTarget() throws BeansException {return newPrototypeInstance();
        * Destroy the given independent instance.
        * @see #destroyPrototypeInstance
       public void releaseTarget(Object target) {destroyPrototypeInstance(target);
      // 省略无关代码......

每次 getTarget() 将生成 prototype 类型的 bean,即其生成的 bean 并不是单例的,因而使用这个类型的 TargetSource 时需要注意,封装的目标 bean 必须是 prototype 类型的。PrototypeTargetSource继承了 AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource 拥有了创建 bean 的能力。

    public abstract class AbstractPrototypeBasedTargetSource extends AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource {
       // 省略无关代码......
        * Subclasses should call this method to create a new prototype instance.
        * @throws BeansException if bean creation failed
       protected Object newPrototypeInstance() throws BeansException {if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("Creating new instance of bean'" + getTargetBeanName() + "'");
          return getBeanFactory().getBean(getTargetBeanName());
        * Subclasses should call this method to destroy an obsolete prototype instance.
        * @param target the bean instance to destroy
       protected void destroyPrototypeInstance(Object target) {if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("Destroying instance of bean'" + getTargetBeanName() + "'");
          if (getBeanFactory() instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {((ConfigurableBeanFactory) getBeanFactory()).destroyBean(getTargetBeanName(), target);
          else if (target instanceof DisposableBean) {
             try {((DisposableBean) target).destroy();}
             catch (Throwable ex) {logger.warn("Destroy method on bean with name'" + getTargetBeanName() + "'threw an exception", ex);
      // 省略无关代码......

可以看到,PrototypeTargetSource的生成 prototype 类型 bean 的方式主要是委托给 BeanFactory 进行的,因为 BeanFactory 自有一套生成 prototype 类型的 bean 的逻辑,因而 PrototypeTargetSource 也就具有生成 prototype 类型 bean 的能力,这也就是我们要生成的目标 bean 必须声明为 prototype 类型的原因。

    public class ThreadLocalTargetSource extends AbstractPrototypeBasedTargetSource
          implements ThreadLocalTargetSourceStats, DisposableBean {
        * ThreadLocal holding the target associated with the current
        * thread. Unlike most ThreadLocals, which are static, this variable
        * is meant to be per thread per instance of the ThreadLocalTargetSource class.
       private final ThreadLocal<Object> targetInThread =
             new NamedThreadLocal<>("Thread-local instance of bean'" + getTargetBeanName() + "'");
        * Set of managed targets, enabling us to keep track of the targets we've created.
       private final Set<Object> targetSet = new HashSet<>();
     // 省略无关代码......
        * Implementation of abstract getTarget() method.
        * We look for a target held in a ThreadLocal. If we don't find one,
        * we create one and bind it to the thread. No synchronization is required.
       public Object getTarget() throws BeansException {
          Object target = this.targetInThread.get();
          if (target == null) {if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("No target for prototype'" + getTargetBeanName() + "'bound to thread:" +
                      "creating one and binding it to thread'" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "'");
             // Associate target with ThreadLocal.
             target = newPrototypeInstance();
             synchronized (this.targetSet) {this.targetSet.add(target);
          else {++this.hitCount;}
          return target;
        * Dispose of targets if necessary; clear ThreadLocal.
        * @see #destroyPrototypeInstance
       public void destroy() {logger.debug("Destroying ThreadLocalTargetSource bindings");
          synchronized (this.targetSet) {for (Object target : this.targetSet) {destroyPrototypeInstance(target);
          // Clear ThreadLocal, just in case.
    // 省略无关代码......

ThreadLocalTargetSource也就是和线程绑定的TargetSource,可以理解,其底层实现必然使用的是 ThreadLocal。既然使用了ThreadLocal,也就是说我们需要注意两个问题:

  • 目标对象必须声明为 prototype 类型,因为每个线程都会持有一个不一样的对象;
  • 目标对象必须是无状态的,因为目标对象是和当前线程绑定的,而 Spring 是使用的线程池处理的请求,因而每个线程可能处理不同的请求,因而为了避免造成问题,目标对象必须是无状态的。
实现自定义的 TargetSource
    package com.github.dqqzj.springboot.target;
    import org.springframework.aop.TargetSource;
    import org.springframework.util.Assert;
    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
     * @author qinzhongjian
     * @date created in 2019-08-25 12:43
     * @description: TODO
     * @since JDK 1.8.0_212-b10z
    public class DqqzjTargetSource implements TargetSource {private final AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger();
        private final Object[] target;;
        public DqqzjTargetSource(Object[]  target) {Assert.notNull(target, "Target object must not be null");
            this.target = target;
        public Class<?> getTargetClass() {return target.getClass();
        public boolean isStatic() {return false;}
        public Object getTarget() throws Exception {return this.target[this.idx.getAndIncrement() & this.target.length - 1];
        public void releaseTarget(Object target) throws Exception {}}

实现自定义 TargetSource 主要有两个点要注意,一个是 getTarget() 方法,该方法中需要实现获取目标对象的逻辑,另一个是 isStatic() 方法,这个方法告知 Spring 是否需要缓存目标对象,在非单例的情况下一般是返回false

   本文主要首先讲解了 Spring 是如果在源码层面支持 TargetSource 的,然后讲解了 TargetSource 的使用原理,接着对 Spring 提供的常见 `TargetSource` 进行了讲解,最后使用一个自定义的 TargetSource 讲解了其使用方式。
