

共计 15677 个字符,预计需要花费 40 分钟才能阅读完成。

如果已忽略 FOR LOGIN,则新的数据库用户将被映射到同名的 SQL Server 登录名。
如果用户具有默认架构,则将使用默认架构。如果用户不具有默认架构,但该用户是具有默认架构的组的成员,则将使用该组的默认架构。如果用户不具有默认架构而且是多个组的成员,则该用户的默认架构将是具有最低 principle_id 的 Windows 组的架构和一个显式设置的默认架构。(不可能将可用的默认架构之一显式选作首选架构。)如果不能为用户确定默认架构,则将使用 dbo 架构。
DEFAULT_SCHEMA 可在创建它所指向的架构前进行设置。
在创建映射到证书或非对称密钥的用户时,不能指定 DEFAULT_SCHEMA。
如果用户是 sysadmin 固定服务器角色的成员,则忽略 DEFAULT_SCHEMA 的值。sysadmin 固定服务器角色的所有成员都有默认架构 dbo。
WITHOUT LOGIN 子句可创建不映射到 SQL Server 登录名的用户。它可以作为 guest 连接到其他数据库。可以将权限分配给这一没有登录名的用户,当安全上下文更改为没有登录名的用户时,原始用户将收到无登录名用户的权限。
只有映射到 Windows 主体的用户才能包含反斜杠字符 ()。
不能使用 CREATE USER 创建 guest 用户,因为每个数据库中均已存在 guest 用户。可通过授予 guest 用户 CONNECT 权限来启用该用户,如下所示:
可以在 sys.database_principals 目录视图中查看有关数据库用户的信息。
使用 SSMS 数据库管理工具创建用户自定义数据库用户
1、连接服务器 -》在对象资源管理器窗口选择数据库 -》展开数据库 -》展开安全性 -》展开用户 -》右键点击用户 -》选择新建。

2、在数据库用户 - 新建弹出框 -》点击常规 -》选择用户类型 -》输入用户名 -》选择登录名 -》选择用户所属架构。

3、在数据库用户 - 新建弹出框 -》选择用户所拥有的架构。

4、在数据库用户 - 新建弹出框 -》点击成员身份 -》选择数据库成员身份。

5、在数据库用户 - 新建弹出框 -》点击搜索选择一个安全对象 -》选择安全对象以后选择安全对象所拥有的权限。

6、在数据库用户 - 新建弹出框 -》选择扩展属性 -》输入注释名称 -》输入注释值 -》点击确定。


使用 T -SQL 脚本创建用户自定义数据库用户
—- 创建用户自定义数据库用户
—- 声明数据库引用
–use database_name;
—-windows 用户
–create user user_name for login login_name with default_schema=architecture_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={on | off};
—- 不带登录名的 SQL 用户
–create user user_name without login with default_schema=architecrure_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={on | off};
—- 带登录名的 SQL 用户
–create user user_name for login login_name with default_schema=architecture_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={on | off};
—- 映射到非对称密钥的用户
–create user user_name for asymmetric key asym_key_name;
—- 映射到证书的用户
–create user user_name for certificate certificate_name;

– 拥有的架构
–use database_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_backupoperator] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_datareader] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_datawriter] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_ddladmin] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatareader] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatawriter] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_owner] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[db_securityadmin] to user_name;
–alter authorization on schema::[guest] to user_name;

– 成员身份
–use database_name;
–alter role [db_accessadmin] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_backupoperator] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_datareader] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_datawriter] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_ddladmin] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_denydatareader] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_denydatawriter] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_owner] add member user_name;
–alter role [db_securityadmin] add member user_name;

—- 安全对象
—-use database_name;
—- 授予权限
—- 备份日志
–grant backup log to user_name;
—- 备份数据库
–grant backup database to user_name;
—- 插入
–grant insert to user_name;
—- 查看定义
–grant view definition to user_name;
—- 查看任意列加密密钥定义
–grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
—- 查看任意列主密钥定义
–grant view any column master key definition to user_name;
—- 查看数据库状态
–grant view database state to user_name;
—- 撤销掩码
–grant unmask to user_name;
—- 创建 xml 架构集合
–grant create xml schema collection to user_name;
—- 创建表
–grant create table to user_name;
—- 创建程序集
–grant create assembly to user_name;
—- 创建队列
–GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
—- 创建对称密钥
–grant create symmetric key to user_name;
—- 创建非对称密钥
–grant create asymmetric key to user_name;
—- 创建服务
–grant create service to user_name;
—- 创建规则
–grant create rule to user_name;
—- 创建过程
–grant create procedure to user_name;
—- 创建函数
–grant create function to user_name;
—- 创建架构
–grant create schema to user_name;
—- 创建角色
–grant create role to user_name;
—- 创建类型
–grant create type to user_name;
—- 创建路由
–grant create route to user_name;
—- 创建默认值
–grant create default to user_name;
—- 创建全文目录
–grant create fulltext catalog to user_name;
—- 创建视图
–grant create view to user_name;
—- 创建数据库 DDL 事件通知
–grant create database dll event notification to user_name;
—- 创建同义词
–grant create synonym to user_name;
—- 创建消息类型
–grant create message type to user_name;
—- 创建远程服务绑定
–grant create remote service binding to user_name;
—- 创建约定
–grant create contract to user_name;
—- 创建证书
–grant create certificate to user_name;
—- 订阅查询通知
–grant subscribe query notifications to user_name;
—- 更改
–grant alter to user_name;
—- 更改任何外部数据源
–grant alter any external data source to user_name;
—- 更改任何外部文件格式
–grant alter any external file format to user_name;
—- 更改任何掩码
–grant alter any mask to user_name;
—- 更改任意安全策略
–grant alter any security policy to user_name;
—- 更改任意程序集
–grant alter any assembly to user_name;
—- 更改任意对称密钥
–grant alter any symmetric key to user_name;
—- 更改任意非对称密钥
–grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
—- 更改任意服务
–grant alter any service to user_name;
—- 更改任意架构
–grant alter any schema to user_name;
—- 更改任意角色
–grant alter any role to user_name;
—- 更改任意路由
–grant alter any route to user_name;
—- 更改任意全文目录
–grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据空间
–grant alter any dataspace to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库 DDL 数据库触发器
–grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库审核
–grant alter any database audit to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库事件通知
–grant alter any database event notification to user_name;
—- 更改任意消息类型
–grant alter any message type to user_name;
—- 更改任意应用程序角色
–grant alter any application role to user_name;
—- 更改任意用户
–grant alter any user to user_name;
—- 更改任意远程服务绑定
–grant alter any remote service binding to user_name;
—- 更改任意约定
–grant alter any contract to user_name;
—- 更改任意证书
–grant alter any certificate to user_name;
—- 更新
–grant update to user_name;
—- 检查点
–grant checkpoint to user_name;
—- 接管所有权
–grant take ownership to user_name;
—- 控制
–grant control to user_name;
—- 控制聚合
–grant create aggregate to user_name;
—- 连接
–grant connect to user_name;
—- 连接复制
–grant connect replication to user_name;
—- 删除
–grant delete to user_name;
—- 身份验证
–grant authenticate to user_name;
—- 显示计划
–grant showplan to user_name;
—- 选择
–grant select to user_name;
—- 引用
–grant references to user_name;
—- 执行
–grant execute to user_name;

—- 授予并允许转售权限
—- 安全对象
—-use database_name;
—- 备份日志
–grant backup log to user_name with grant option;
—- 备份数据库
–grant backup database to user_name with grant option;
—- 插入
–grant insert to user_name with grant option;
—- 查看定义
–grant view definition to user_name with grant option;
—- 查看任意列加密密钥定义
–grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name with grant option;
—- 查看任意列主密钥定义
–grant view any column master key definition to user_name with grant option;
—- 查看数据库状态
–grant view database state to user_name with grant option;
—- 撤销掩码
–grant unmask to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建 xml 架构集合
–grant create xml schema collection to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建表
–grant create table to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建程序集
–grant create assembly to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建队列
–GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建对称密钥
–grant create symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建非对称密钥
–grant create asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建服务
–grant create service to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建规则
–grant create rule to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建过程
–grant create procedure to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建函数
–grant create function to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建架构
–grant create schema to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建角色
–grant create role to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建类型
–grant create type to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建路由
–grant create route to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建默认值
–grant create default to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建全文目录
–grant create fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建视图
–grant create view to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建数据库 DDL 事件通知
–grant create database dll event notification to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建同义词
–grant create synonym to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建消息类型
–grant create message type to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建远程服务绑定
–grant create remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建约定
–grant create contract to user_name with grant option;
—- 创建证书
–grant create certificate to user_name with grant option;
—- 订阅查询通知
–grant subscribe query notifications to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改
–grant alter to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任何外部数据源
–grant alter any external data source to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任何外部文件格式
–grant alter any external file format to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任何掩码
–grant alter any mask to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意安全策略
–grant alter any security policy to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意程序集
–grant alter any assembly to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意对称密钥
–grant alter any symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意非对称密钥
–grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意服务
–grant alter any service to user_name;
—- 更改任意架构
–grant alter any schema to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意角色
–grant alter any role to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意路由
–grant alter any route to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意全文目录
–grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意数据空间
–grant alter any dataspace to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意数据库 DDL 数据库触发器
–grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意数据库审核
–grant alter any database audit to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意数据库事件通知
–grant alter any database event notification to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意消息类型
–grant alter any message type to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意应用程序角色
–grant alter any application role to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意用户
–grant alter any user to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意远程服务绑定
–grant alter any remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意约定
–grant alter any contract to user_name with grant option;
—- 更改任意证书
–grant alter any certificate to user_name with grant option;
—- 更新
–grant update to user_name with grant option;
—- 检查点
–grant checkpoint to user_name with grant option;
—- 接管所有权
–grant take ownership to user_name with grant option;
—- 控制
–grant control to user_name with grant option;
—- 控制聚合
–grant create aggregate to user_name with grant option;
—- 连接
–grant connect to user_name with grant option;
—- 连接复制
–grant connect replication to user_name with grant option;
—- 删除
–grant delete to user_name with grant option;
—- 身份验证
–grant authenticate to user_name with grant option;
—- 显示计划
–grant showplan to user_name with grant option;
—- 选择
–grant select to user_name with grant option;
—- 引用
–grant references to user_name with grant option;
—- 执行
–grant execute to user_name with grant option;

—- 拒绝权限
—- 安全对象
–use database_name;
—- 备份日志
–deny backup log to user_name;
—- 备份数据库
–deny backup database to user_name;
—- 插入
–deny insert to user_name;
—- 查看定义
–deny view definition to user_name;
—- 查看任意列加密密钥定义
–deny view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
—- 查看任意列主密钥定义
–deny view any column master key definition to user_name;
—- 查看数据库状态
–deny view database state to user_name;
—- 撤销掩码
–deny unmask to user_name;
—- 创建 xml 架构集合
–deny create xml schema collection to user_name;
—- 创建表
–deny create table to user_name;
—- 创建程序集
–deny create assembly to user_name;
—- 创建队列
–deny CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
—- 创建对称密钥
–deny create symmetric key to user_name;
—- 创建非对称密钥
–deny create asymmetric key to user_name;
—- 创建服务
–deny create service to user_name;
—- 创建规则
–deny create rule to user_name;
—- 创建过程
–deny create procedure to user_name;
—- 创建函数
–deny create function to user_name;
—- 创建架构
–deny create schema to user_name;
—- 创建角色
–deny create role to user_name;
—- 创建类型
–deny create type to user_name;
—- 创建路由
–deny create route to user_name;
—- 创建默认值
–deny create default to user_name;
—- 创建全文目录
–deny create fulltext catalog to user_name;
—- 创建视图
–deny create view to user_name;
—- 创建数据库 DDL 事件通知
–deny create database dll event notification to user_name;
—- 创建同义词
–deny create synonym to user_name;
—- 创建消息类型
–deny create message type to user_name;
—- 创建远程服务绑定
–deny create remote service binding to user_name;
—- 创建约定
–deny create contract to user_name;
—- 创建证书
–deny create certificate to user_name;
—- 订阅查询通知
–deny subscribe query notifications to user_name;
—- 更改
–deny alter to user_name;
—- 更改任何外部数据源
–deny alter any external data source to user_name;
—- 更改任何外部文件格式
–deny alter any external file format to user_name;
—- 更改任何掩码
–deny alter any mask to user_name;
—- 更改任意安全策略
–deny alter any security policy to user_name;
—- 更改任意程序集
–deny alter any assembly to user_name;
—- 更改任意对称密钥
–deny alter any symmetric key to user_name;
—- 更改任意非对称密钥
–deny alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
—- 更改任意服务
–deny alter any service to user_name;
—- 更改任意架构
–deny alter any schema to user_name;
—- 更改任意角色
–deny alter any role to user_name;
—- 更改任意路由
–deny alter any route to user_name;
—- 更改任意全文目录
–deny alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据空间
–deny alter any dataspace to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库 DDL 数据库触发器
–deny alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库审核
–deny alter any database audit to user_name;
—- 更改任意数据库事件通知
–deny alter any database event notification to user_name;
—- 更改任意消息类型
–deny alter any message type to user_name;
—- 更改任意应用程序角色
–deny alter any application role to user_name;
—- 更改任意用户
–deny alter any user to user_name;
—- 更改任意远程服务绑定
–deny alter any remote service binding to user_name;
—- 更改任意约定
–deny alter any contract to user_name;
—- 更改任意证书
–deny alter any certificate to user_name;
—- 更新
–deny update to user_name;
—- 检查点
–deny checkpoint to user_name;
—- 接管所有权
–deny take ownership to user_name;
—- 控制
–deny control to user_name;
—- 控制聚合
–deny create aggregate to user_name;
—- 连接
–deny connect to user_name;
—- 连接复制
–deny connect replication to user_name;
—- 删除
–deny delete to user_name;
—- 身份验证
–deny authenticate to user_name;
—- 显示计划
–deny showplan to user_name;
—- 选择
–deny select to user_name;
—- 引用
–deny references to user_name;
—- 执行
–deny execute to user_name;

—- 扩展属性
—- 声明数据库引用
—-use database_name
—- 添加扩展注释
–exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N’description_name’, @value=N’description_value’, @level0type=N’user’,@level0name=N’user_name’;
–database_name– 数据库名称 –user_name– 指定在此数据库中用于识别该用户的名称。user_name 为 sysname。– 它的长度最多是 128 个字符。在创建基于 Windows 主体的用户时,除非指定其他用户名,否则 Windows 主体名称将成为用户名。–login_name– 指定要为其创建数据库用户的登录名。login_name 必须是服务器中的有效登录名。– 可以是基于 Windows 主体(用户或组)的登录名,也可以是使用 SQL Server 身份验证的登录名。– 当此 SQL Server 登录名进入数据库时,它将获取正在创建的这个数据库用户的名称和 ID。– 在创建从 Windows 主体映射的登录名时,请使用格式 [<domainName><loginName>]。– 如果 CREATE USER 语句是 SQL 批处理中唯一的语句,则 Windows Azure SQL Databas 将支持 WITH LOGIN 子句。– 如果 CREATE USER 语句不是 SQL 批处理中唯一的语句或在动态 SQL 中执行,则不支持 WITH LOGIN 子句。–with default_schema=architecture_name;– 指定服务器为此数据库用户解析对象名时将搜索的第一个架构。–allow_encrypted_value_modifications={on | off} – 适用范围:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 到 SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。– 取消在大容量复制操作期间对服务器进行加密元数据检查。这使用户能够在表或数据库之间大容量复制加密数据,– 而无需对数据进行解密。默认为 OFF。–without login– 指定不应将用户映射到现有登录名。–asymmetric KEY asym_key_name– 适用范围:SQL Server 2008 到 SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。– 指定要为其创建数据库用户的非对称密钥。–certificate certificate_name– 适用范围:SQL Server 2008 到 SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。– 指定要为其创建数据库用户的证书。–description_name– 用户自定义用户注释名称。–description_value– 用户自定义用户注释值。
/********** 示例 **********/
– 声明数据库引用
use [testss];
– 判断用户是否存在,如果存在则删除,不存在则创建
if exists(select * from sys.database_principals where name=’tests’)
– 把架构修改回来架构自身
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to db_accessadmin;
– 删除角色拥有的成员
alter role [db_accessadmin] drop member tests;
– 删除用户
drop user tests;
– 创建当前数据库用户自定义用户
create user tests
for login tests
with default_schema=dbo,allow_encrypted_value_modifications=on;

– 拥有的架构
use testss;
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to tests;

– 成员身份
use testss;
alter role [db_accessadmin] add member tests;

– 安全对象
use testss;
– 授予权限
– 备份日志
grant backup log to tests;

– 扩展属性
– 声明数据库引用
–use database_name
– 添加扩展注释
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N’tests_description’, @value=N’ 用户自定义用户描述 ’, @level0type=N’user’,@level0name=N’tests’;
