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SAP kyma 主要分三大块组成:

(1) Application connector

simplify and securely connect external systems to Kyma and to register the events and APIs of the external system

允许应用开发人员通过简易和安全的方式将 Kyma 和外部第三方系统连接,监听外部系统的事件和消费 API

(2) Service Catalog

unifies the way you consume internal and external services. It also lists the events and APIs from the registered system.

允许应用开发人员以统一的方式消费内外部服务。通过 Service Catalog,我们可以获得 Kyma 注册的外部系统的 API 和可供监听的事件。

(3) 通过 knative 模块提供的 serveless 功能块。

serverless functionality leveraged through the Knative integration, which allows you to build lambda functions to react to events asynchronously coming from connected systems.

可以使用 Lamdba 函数开发来自通过 Application Connector 连接的外部系统抛出的事件。

通过 knative 模块的基础,快速部署和应用的高可用性,高扩展性成为了可能。

It also enables you to do quick deployments, with higher scalability and loose coupling through events.

While Knative concentrates more on providing the building blocks for running serverless workloads, Kyma focuses on integrating those blocks with external services and applications.

要获取更多 Jerry 的原创文章,请关注公众号 ” 汪子熙 ”。
