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为什么使用 RabbitMq 而不是 ActiveMq 或者 RocketMq?
首先,从业务上来讲,我并不要求消息的 100% 接受率,并且,我需要结合 php 开发,RabbitMq 相较 RocketMq,延迟较低 (微妙级)。至于 ActiveMq,貌似问题较多。RabbitMq 对各种语言的支持较好,所以选择 RabbitMq。
先安装 PHP 对应的 RabbitMQ, 这里用的是 php_amqp 不同的扩展实现方式会有细微的差异.
php 扩展地址: http://pecl.php.net/package/amqp
具体以官网为准 http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html
config.php 配置信息
BaseMQ.php MQ 基类
ProductMQ.php 生产者类
ConsumerMQ.php 消费者类
Consumer2MQ.php 消费者 2(可有多个)
return [
// 配置
'host' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => '5672',
'login' => 'guest',
'password' => 'guest',
// 交换机
// 路由
'routes' => [],];
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: pc
* Date: 2019/07/13
* Time: 14:11
namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ;
/** Member
* AMQPChannel
* AMQPConnection
* AMQPEnvelope
* AMQPExchange
* AMQPQueue
* Class BaseMQ
* @package MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ
class BaseMQ
/** MQ Channel
* @var \AMQPChannel
public $AMQPChannel ;
/** MQ Link
* @var \AMQPConnection
public $AMQPConnection ;
/** MQ Envelope
* @var \AMQPEnvelope
public $AMQPEnvelope ;
/** MQ Exchange
* @var \AMQPExchange
public $AMQPExchange ;
/** MQ Queue
* @var \AMQPQueue
public $AMQPQueue ;
/** conf
* @var
public $conf ;
/** exchange
* @var
public $exchange ;
/** link
* BaseMQ constructor.
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function __construct()
$conf = require 'config.php' ;
throw new \AMQPConnectionException('config error!');
$this->conf = $conf['host'] ;
$this->exchange = $conf['exchange'] ;
$this->AMQPConnection = new \AMQPConnection($this->conf);
if (!$this->AMQPConnection->connect())
throw new \AMQPConnectionException("Cannot connect to the broker!\n");
* close link
public function close()
/** Channel
* @return \AMQPChannel
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function channel()
{if(!$this->AMQPChannel) {$this->AMQPChannel = new \AMQPChannel($this->AMQPConnection);
return $this->AMQPChannel;
/** Exchange
* @return \AMQPExchange
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
public function exchange()
{if(!$this->AMQPExchange) {$this->AMQPExchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel());
return $this->AMQPExchange ;
/** queue
* @return \AMQPQueue
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPQueueException
public function queue()
{if(!$this->AMQPQueue) {$this->AMQPQueue = new \AMQPQueue($this->channel());
return $this->AMQPQueue ;
/** Envelope
* @return \AMQPEnvelope
public function envelope()
{if(!$this->AMQPEnvelope) {$this->AMQPEnvelope = new \AMQPEnvelope();
return $this->AMQPEnvelope;
// 生产者 P
namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ;
require 'BaseMQ.php';
class ProductMQ extends BaseMQ
{private $routes = ['hello','word']; // 路由 key
* ProductMQ constructor.
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function __construct()
/** 只控制发送成功 不接受消费者是否收到
* @throws \AMQPChannelException
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
public function run()
// 频道
$channel = $this->channel();
// 创建交换机对象
$ex = $this->exchange();
// 消息内容
$message = 'product message'.rand(1,99999);
// 开始事务
$sendEd = true ;
foreach ($this->routes as $route) {$sendEd = $ex->publish($message, $route) ;
echo "Send Message:".$sendEd."\n";
if(!$sendEd) {$channel->rollbackTransaction();
$channel->commitTransaction(); // 提交事务
die ;
try{(new ProductMQ())->run();}catch (\Exception $exception){var_dump($exception->getMessage()) ;
// 消费者 C
namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ;
require 'BaseMQ.php';
class ConsumerMQ extends BaseMQ
private $q_name = 'hello'; // 队列名
private $route = 'hello'; // 路由 key
* ConsumerMQ constructor.
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function __construct()
/** 接受消息 如果终止 重连时会有消息
* @throws \AMQPChannelException
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
* @throws \AMQPQueueException
public function run()
// 创建交换机
$ex = $this->exchange();
$ex->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); //direct 类型
$ex->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); // 持久化
//echo "Exchange Status:".$ex->declare()."\n";
// 创建队列
$q = $this->queue();
$q->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); // 持久化
//echo "Message Total:".$q->declareQueue()."\n";
// 绑定交换机与队列,并指定路由键
echo 'Queue Bind:'.$q->bind($this->exchange, $this->route)."\n";
// 阻塞模式接收消息
echo "Message:\n";
while(True){$q->consume(function ($envelope,$queue){$msg = $envelope->getBody();
echo $msg."\n"; // 处理消息
$queue->ack($envelope->getDeliveryTag()); // 手动发送 ACK 应答
//$q->consume('processMessage', AMQP_AUTOACK); // 自动 ACK 应答
try{(new ConsumerMQ)->run();}catch (\Exception $exception){var_dump($exception->getMessage()) ;
phper 在进阶的时候总会遇到一些问题和瓶颈,业务代码写多了没有方向感,需要涨薪但是不知道该从那里入手去提升,对此我整理了一些资料,包括但不限于:分布式架构、高可扩展、高性能、高并发、服务器性能调优、TP6,laravel,YII2,Redis,Swoole、Kafka、Mysql 优化、shell 脚本、Docker、微服务、Nginx 等多个知识点高级进阶干货需要的可以免费分享给大家,需要请戳这里