

共计 2169 个字符,预计需要花费 6 分钟才能阅读完成。




 * 字符串相关处理
class StringUtils
     * 英文字符串换行
     * 如果是字母,并且到了换行的地方,则需要看这个字符的下一个字符是否是字母,如果是的话就需要回到上一个不是字母的地方
     * 注意:中文和英文
    public static function wrap($str, $max_len) {$arr = [];
        $len = mb_strlen($str);
        if ($len == 0) {return $arr;}
        if ($len <= $max_len) {$arr[] = $str;
            return $arr;
        $w_len = 0;
        $w_str = "";
        $last_index = 0; // 上一次出现不是字母的索引位置
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {$sub_str = mb_substr($str, $i, 1); // 将单个字符存到数组当中
            $w_str .= $sub_str;
            if (!self::isWord($sub_str)) {
                // 记录最后一次出现不是字母的索引
                $last_index = $w_len;
            // 需要换行
            if ($w_len >= $max_len) {if (self::isWord($sub_str)) {$w_str_1 = mb_substr($w_str, 0, $last_index);
                    $w_str_2 = mb_substr($w_str, $last_index, $w_len);
                    $w_len = $w_len - $last_index;
                } else {
                    $w_str_1 = $w_str;
                    $w_str_2 = "";
                    $w_len = 0;
                $arr[] = $w_str_1;
                $w_str = $w_str_2;
                $last_index = 0;
        $arr[] = $w_str;

        return $arr;


     * 中文换行
    public static function wrapCh($str, $max_len) {$arr = [];
        $len = mb_strlen($str);
        if ($len == 0) {return $arr;}
        if ($len <= $max_len) {$arr[] = $str;
            return $arr;
        $page = ceil($len / $max_len);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $page; $i++) {$temp_str = mb_substr($str, $i * $max_len, $max_len);
            $arr[] = $temp_str;}
        return $arr;

     * 判断是否单词
    public static function isWord($chr) {$wordArr = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"];
        return in_array($chr, $wordArr);



    // 字符串
    $str = "呵呵呵发链接 The British Charles Babbage was the inventor of an analytical machine with 附加费两款手机 punch 发 vvvvv 个版本发 vv cards, and of a difference engine, both forerunners of the computer, and his name is given to the mwei or picoether, 10 to the -12 ether.";
    $arr = StringUtils::wrapCh($str , 20);
    echo "<br/> 暴力换行 <br/><br/>";
    foreach($arr as $k=>$v){echo $v . "<br/>";}
    $arr = StringUtils::wrap($str , 20);
    echo "<br/> 正确的换行 <br/><br/>";
    foreach($arr as $k=>$v){echo $v . "<br/>";}



呵呵呵发链接 The British Ch
arles Babbage was th
e inventor of an ana
lytical machine with
附加费两款手机 punch 发 vvvvv 个
版本发 vv cards, and of 
a difference engine,
both forerunners of
the computer, and h
is name is given to 
the mwei or picoethe
r, 10 to the -12 eth


呵呵呵发链接 The British 
Charles Babbage was 
the inventor of an 
analytical machine 
with 附加费两款手机 punch 发
vvvvv 个版本发 vv cards, 
and of a difference 
engine, both 
forerunners of the 
computer, and his 
name is given to 
the mwei or 
picoether, 10 to 
the -12 ether.
