PHP设计模式范例 — DesignPatternsPHP(2)结构型设计模式


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2.1 适配器模式
2.1.1 目的
2.1.2 例子

使用不同的 webservices,通过适配器来标准化输出数据,从而保证不同 webservice 输出的数据是一致的

2.1.3 UML 图

2.1.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Adapter;

interface BookInterface
public function turnPage();

public function open();

public function getPage(): int;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Adapter;

class Book implements BookInterface
* @var int
private $page;

public function open()
$this->page = 1;

public function turnPage()

public function getPage(): int
return $this->page;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Adapter;

* This is the adapter here. Notice it implements BookInterface,
* therefore you don’t have to change the code of the client which is using a Book
class EBookAdapter implements BookInterface
* @var EBookInterface
protected $eBook;

* @param EBookInterface $eBook
public function __construct(EBookInterface $eBook)
$this->eBook = $eBook;

* This class makes the proper translation from one interface to another.
public function open()

public function turnPage()

* notice the adapted behavior here: EBookInterface::getPage() will return two integers, but BookInterface
* supports only a current page getter, so we adapt the behavior here
* @return int
public function getPage(): int
return $this->eBook->getPage()[0];

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Adapter;

interface EBookInterface
public function unlock();

public function pressNext();

* returns current page and total number of pages, like [10, 100] is page 10 of 100
* @return int[]
public function getPage(): array;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Adapter;

* this is the adapted class. In production code, this could be a class from another package, some vendor code.
* Notice that it uses another naming scheme and the implementation does something similar but in another way
class Kindle implements EBookInterface
* @var int
private $page = 1;

* @var int
private $totalPages = 100;

public function pressNext()

public function unlock()

* returns current page and total number of pages, like [10, 100] is page 10 of 100
* @return int[]
public function getPage(): array
return [$this->page, $this->totalPages];
2.2 桥接模式
2.2.1 目的
2.2.2 例子
Symfony DoctrineBridge
2.2.3 UML 图

2.2.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

interface Formatter
public function format(string $text): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

class PlainTextFormatter implements Formatter
public function format(string $text): string
return $text;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

class HtmlFormatter implements Formatter
public function format(string $text): string
return sprintf(‘<p>%s</p>’, $text);

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

abstract class Service
* @var Formatter
protected $implementation;

* @param Formatter $printer
public function __construct(Formatter $printer)
$this->implementation = $printer;

* @param Formatter $printer
public function setImplementation(Formatter $printer)
$this->implementation = $printer;

abstract public function get(): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

class HelloWorldService extends Service
public function get(): string
return $this->implementation->format(‘Hello World’);

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Bridge;

class PingService extends Service
public function get(): string
return $this->implementation->format(‘pong’);
2.3 组合模式
2.3.1 目的
2.3.2 例子

form 类的实例包含多个子元素,而它也像单个子元素那样响应 render()请求,当调用 render()方法时,它会历遍所有的子元素,调用 render()方法

Zend_Config: 配置选项树, 其每一个分支都是 Zend_Config 对象

2.3.3 UML 图

2.3.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Composite;

interface RenderableInterface
public function render(): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Composite;

* The composite node MUST extend the component contract. This is mandatory for building
* a tree of components.
class Form implements RenderableInterface
* @var RenderableInterface[]
private $elements;

* runs through all elements and calls render() on them, then returns the complete representation
* of the form.
* from the outside, one will not see this and the form will act like a single object instance
* @return string
public function render(): string
$formCode = ‘<form>’;

foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
$formCode .= $element->render();

$formCode .= ‘</form>’;

return $formCode;

* @param RenderableInterface $element
public function addElement(RenderableInterface $element)
$this->elements[] = $element;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Composite;

class InputElement implements RenderableInterface
public function render(): string
return ‘<input type=”text” />’;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Composite;

class TextElement implements RenderableInterface
* @var string
private $text;

public function __construct(string $text)
$this->text = $text;

public function render(): string
return $this->text;
2.4 数据映射器
2.4.1 目的
此模式的主要特点是,与 Active Record 不同,其数据模式遵循单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle)。
2.4.2 例子
DB 对象关系映射器(ORM): Doctrine2 使用“EntityRepository”作为 DAO
2.4.3 UML 图

2.4.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DataMapper;

class User
* @var string
private $username;

* @var string
private $email;

public static function fromState(array $state): User
// validate state before accessing keys!

return new self(

public function __construct(string $username, string $email)
// validate parameters before setting them!

$this->username = $username;
$this->email = $email;

* @return string
public function getUsername()
return $this->username;

* @return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DataMapper;

class UserMapper
* @var StorageAdapter
private $adapter;

* @param StorageAdapter $storage
public function __construct(StorageAdapter $storage)
$this->adapter = $storage;

* finds a user from storage based on ID and returns a User object located
* in memory. Normally this kind of logic will be implemented using the Repository pattern.
* However the important part is in mapRowToUser() below, that will create a business object from the
* data fetched from storage
* @param int $id
* @return User
public function findById(int $id): User
$result = $this->adapter->find($id);

if ($result === null) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(“User #$id not found”);

return $this->mapRowToUser($result);

private function mapRowToUser(array $row): User
return User::fromState($row);

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DataMapper;

class StorageAdapter
* @var array
private $data = [];

public function __construct(array $data)
$this->data = $data;

* @param int $id
* @return array|null
public function find(int $id)
if (isset($this->data[$id])) {
return $this->data[$id];

return null;
2.5 装饰器
2.5.1 目的
2.5.2 例子

Zend Framework: Zend_Form_Element 实例的装饰器
Web Service 层:REST 服务的 JSON 与 XML 装饰器(当然,在此只能使用其中的一种)

2.5.3 UML 图

2.5.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Decorator;

interface Booking
public function calculatePrice(): int;

public function getDescription(): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Decorator;

abstract class BookingDecorator implements Booking
* @var Booking
protected $booking;

public function __construct(Booking $booking)
$this->booking = $booking;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Decorator;

class DoubleRoomBooking implements Booking
public function calculatePrice(): int
return 40;

public function getDescription(): string
return ‘double room’;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Decorator;

class ExtraBed extends BookingDecorator
private const PRICE = 30;

public function calculatePrice(): int
return $this->booking->calculatePrice() + self::PRICE;

public function getDescription(): string
return $this->booking->getDescription() . ‘ with extra bed’;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Decorator;

class WiFi extends BookingDecorator
private const PRICE = 2;

public function calculatePrice(): int
return $this->booking->calculatePrice() + self::PRICE;

public function getDescription(): string
return $this->booking->getDescription() . ‘ with wifi’;
2.6 依赖注入
2.6.1 目的
2.6.2 用例
注入 DatabaseConfiguration, DatabaseConnection 将从 $config 获得所需的所有内容。没有 DI(依赖注入),配置将直接在 DatabaseConnection 中创建,这不利于测试和扩展它。
2.6.3 例子

Doctrine2 ORM 使用了依赖注入,它通过配置注入了 Connection 对象。为了达到方便测试的目的,可以很容易的通过配置创建一个 mock 的 Connection 对象。
Symfony 和 Zend Framework 2 也有了专门的依赖注入容器,用来通过配置数据创建需要的对象(比如在控制器中使用依赖注入容器获取所需的对象)

2.6.4 UML 图

2.6.5 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DependencyInjection;

class DatabaseConfiguration
* @var string
private $host;

* @var int
private $port;

* @var string
private $username;

* @var string
private $password;

public function __construct(string $host, int $port, string $username, string $password)
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;

public function getHost(): string
return $this->host;

public function getPort(): int
return $this->port;

public function getUsername(): string
return $this->username;

public function getPassword(): string
return $this->password;


namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DependencyInjection;

class DatabaseConnection
* @var DatabaseConfiguration
private $configuration;

* @param DatabaseConfiguration $config
public function __construct(DatabaseConfiguration $config)
$this->configuration = $config;

public function getDsn(): string
// this is just for the sake of demonstration, not a real DSN
// notice that only the injected config is used here, so there is
// a real separation of concerns here

return sprintf(
2.7 外观模式
2.7.1 目的
Facade 模式的主要目标不是避免您必须阅读复杂 API 的手册。这只是副作用。主要目的是减少耦合并遵循 Demeter 定律。
Facade 通过嵌入多个(当然,有时只有一个)接口来解耦访客与子系统,当然也降低复杂度。
Facade 不会禁止你访问子系统你可以为一个子系统提供多个 Facade 因此一个好的 Facade 里面不会有 new。如果每个方法里都要构造多个对象,那么它就不是 Facade,而是生成器或者 [抽象 | 静态 | 简单] 工厂方法。
优秀的 Facade 不会有 new,并且构造函数参数是接口类型的。如果你需要创建一个新实例,则在参数中传入一个工厂对象。
2.7.2 UML 图

2.7.3 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Facade;

class Facade
* @var OsInterface
private $os;

* @var BiosInterface
private $bios;

* @param BiosInterface $bios
* @param OsInterface $os
public function __construct(BiosInterface $bios, OsInterface $os)
$this->bios = $bios;
$this->os = $os;

public function turnOn()

public function turnOff()

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Facade;

interface OsInterface
public function halt();

public function getName(): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Facade;

interface BiosInterface
public function execute();

public function waitForKeyPress();

public function launch(OsInterface $os);

public function powerDown();
2.8 连贯接口
2.8.1 目的
2.8.2 例子

Doctrine2 的 QueryBuilder,就像下面例子中类似
PHPUnit 使用连贯接口来创建 mock 对象
Yii 框架:CDbCommand 与 CActiveRecord 也使用此模式

2.8.3 UML 图

2.8.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\FluentInterface;

class Sql
* @var array
private $fields = [];

* @var array
private $from = [];

* @var array
private $where = [];

public function select(array $fields): Sql
$this->fields = $fields;

return $this;

public function from(string $table, string $alias): Sql
$this->from[] = $table.’ AS ‘.$alias;

return $this;

public function where(string $condition): Sql
$this->where[] = $condition;

return $this;

public function __toString(): string
return sprintf(
join(‘, ‘, $this->fields),
join(‘, ‘, $this->from),
join(‘ AND ‘, $this->where)
2.9 享元
2.9.1 目的
为了尽可能减少内存使用,Flyweight 与类似的对象共享尽可能多的内存。当使用大量状态相差不大的对象时,就需要它。通常的做法是保持外部数据结构中的状态,并在需要时将其传递给 flyweight 对象。
2.9.2 UML 图

2.9.3 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Flyweight;

interface FlyweightInterface
public function render(string $extrinsicState): string;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Flyweight;

* Implements the flyweight interface and adds storage for intrinsic state, if any.
* Instances of concrete flyweights are shared by means of a factory.
class CharacterFlyweight implements FlyweightInterface
* Any state stored by the concrete flyweight must be independent of its context.
* For flyweights representing characters, this is usually the corresponding character code.
* @var string
private $name;

public function __construct(string $name)
$this->name = $name;

public function render(string $font): string
// Clients supply the context-dependent information that the flyweight needs to draw itself
// For flyweights representing characters, extrinsic state usually contains e.g. the font.

return sprintf(‘Character %s with font %s’, $this->name, $font);

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Flyweight;

* A factory manages shared flyweights. Clients should not instantiate them directly,
* but let the factory take care of returning existing objects or creating new ones.
class FlyweightFactory implements \Countable
* @var CharacterFlyweight[]
private $pool = [];

public function get(string $name): CharacterFlyweight
if (!isset($this->pool[$name])) {
$this->pool[$name] = new CharacterFlyweight($name);

return $this->pool[$name];

public function count(): int
return count($this->pool);
2.10 代理模式
2.10.1 目的
2.10.2 例子
Doctrine2 使用代理来实现框架特性(如延迟初始化),同时用户还是使用自己的实体类并且不会使用或者接触到代理
2.10.3 UML 图

2.10.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Proxy;

interface BankAccount
public function deposit(int $amount);

public function getBalance(): int;

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Proxy;

class HeavyBankAccount implements BankAccount
* @var int[]
private $transactions = [];

public function deposit(int $amount)
$this->transactions[] = $amount;

public function getBalance(): int
// this is the heavy part, imagine all the transactions even from
// years and decades ago must be fetched from a database or web service
// and the balance must be calculated from it

return array_sum($this->transactions);

namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Proxy;

class BankAccountProxy extends HeavyBankAccount implements BankAccount
* @var int
private $balance;

public function getBalance(): int
// because calculating balance is so expensive,
// the usage of BankAccount::getBalance() is delayed until it really is needed
// and will not be calculated again for this instance

if ($this->balance === null) {
$this->balance = parent::getBalance();

return $this->balance;
2.11 注册模式
2.11.1 目的
要为整个应用程序中经常使用的对象实现中央存储,通常只使用静态方法 (或使用单例模式) 的抽象类来实现。请记住,这将引入全局状态,这在任何时候都应该避免! 而是使用依赖注入来实现它!
2.11.2 例子

Zend Framework 1: Zend_Registry 持有应用的 logger 对象,前端控制器等。
Yii 框架: CWebApplication 持有所有的应用组件,如 CWebUser, CUrlManager, 等。

2.11.3 UML 图

2.11.4 代码
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namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Registry;

abstract class Registry
const LOGGER = ‘logger’;

* this introduces global state in your application which can not be mocked up for testing
* and is therefor considered an anti-pattern! Use dependency injection instead!
* @var array
private static $storedValues = [];

* @var array
private static $allowedKeys = [

* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
public static function set(string $key, $value)
if (!in_array($key, self::$allowedKeys)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid key given’);

self::$storedValues[$key] = $value;

* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public static function get(string $key)
if (!in_array($key, self::$allowedKeys) || !isset(self::$storedValues[$key])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid key given’);

return self::$storedValues[$key];
相关文章:PHP 设计模式范例 — DesignPatternsPHP(1)创建型设计模式
