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利用 Javascript map(),reduce() 和 filter() 数组方法可以帮助您编写更加声明性、流畅的风格代码。
而不是积累起来 for 循环和嵌套来处理列表和集合中的数据,您可以利用这些方法更好地将逻辑组织成功能的构建块,然后将它们链接起来以创建更可读和更易于理解的实现。
ES6 还为我们提供了一些更好的数组方法,比如.find,.findIndex,.of 和 for..of 循环!
var officers = \[{ id: 20, name: 'Captain Piett'},
{id: 24, name: 'General Veers'},
{id: 56, name: 'Admiral Ozzel'},
{id: 88, name: 'Commander Jerjerrod'}
// What you need
// \[20, 24, 56, 88\]
for 循环
var officersIds = \[\];
for(var i=0,len=officers.length;i<len; i++){officersIds.push(officers\[i\].id);
console.log(officersIds); // \[20,24,56,88\]
forEach 循环
forEach 中传入要执行的回调函数,函数有三个参数。第一个参数为数组元素 (必选),第二个参数为数组元素索引值 (可选),第三个参数为数组本身 (可选)
var officersIds = \[\];
officers.forEach(function (officer,index,array) {console.log(index); //0,1,2,3,
console.log(officer); //{id: 20, name: "Captain Piett"},{id: 24, name: "General Veers"},{id: 56, name: "Admiral Ozzel"},{id: 88, name: "Commander Jerjerrod"}
console.log(officersIds); //\[20,24,56,88\]
for in 循环
for…in 循环可用于循环对象和数组, 推荐用于循环对象, 可以用来遍历 JSON
var officersIds = \[\];
for(var key in officers){console.log(key); // 0 1 2 3 返回数组索引
console.log(officers\[key\]); //{id: 20, name: "Captain Piett"},{id: 24, name: "General Veers"},{id: 56, name: "Admiral Ozzel"},{id: 88, name: "Commander Jerjerrod"}
console.log(officersIds); //\[20,24,56,88\]
for of 循环
for…of 提供了三个新方法:
key() 是对键名的遍历;
value() 是对键值的遍历;
entries() 是对键值对的遍历;
let arr = \['科大讯飞', '政法 BG', '前端开发'\];
for (let item of arr) {console.log(item); // 科大讯飞 政法 BG 前端开发
// 输出数组索引
for (let item of arr.keys()) {console.log(item); // 0 1 2
// 输出内容和索引
for (let \[item, val\] of arr.entries()) {console.log(item + ':' + val); // 0: 科大讯飞 1:政法 BG 2:前端开发
var officersIds = \[\];
for (var item of officers) {console.log(item); //{id: 20, name: "Captain Piett"},{id: 24, name: "General Veers"},{id: 56, name: "Admiral Ozzel"},{id: 88, name: "Commander Jerjerrod"}
console.log(officersIds); // \[20,24,56,88\]
// 输出数组索引
for(var item of officers.keys()){console.log(item); // 0 1 2 3
// 输出内容和索引
for (let \[item, val\] of officers.entries()) {console.log(item) // 0 1 2 3 输出数组索引
console.log(val);//{id: 20, name: "Captain Piett"},{id: 24, name: "General Veers"},{id: 56, name: "Admiral Ozzel"},{id: 88, name: "Commander Jerjerrod"}
console.log(item + ':' + val);
map 循环
map() 会返回一个新数组,数组中的元素为原始数组元素调用函数处理后的值。
map() 方法按照原始数组元素顺序依次处理元素。
map 不修改调用它的原数组本身。
map() 中传入要执行的回调函数,函数有三个参数。第一个参数为数组元素 ( 必选),第二个参数为数组元素索引值 (可选),第三个参数为数组本身 (可选)
var arr = \[{name:'a',age:'18'},
arr.map(function(item,index) {if(item.name == 'b') {console.log(index) // 1
var officersIds = officers.map(function (officer) {return officer.id});
console.log(officersIds); //\[20,24,56,88\]
array.reduce(function callback(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array){}\[, initialValue\])
var peoples = \[
id: 10,
name: "Poe Dameron",
years: 14,
id: 2,
name: "Temmin'Snap'Wexley",
years: 30,
id: 41,
name: "Tallissan Lintra",
years: 16,
id: 99,
name: "Ello Asty",
years: 22,
var totalYears = peoples.reduce(function (total, people) {console.log(total);
return total + people.years;
}, 0);
// const totalYears = people.reduce((acc, people) => acc + people.years, 0);
console.log(totalYears); //30
var oldest = peoples.reduce(function (oldest, people) {return (oldest.years || 0) > people.years ? oldest : people;
}, {});
console.log(oldest); //{id: 2, name: "Temmin'Snap'Wexley", years: 30}
console.log(oldest.years); //82
filter() 方法创建一个新的数组,新数组中的元素是通过检查指定数组中符合条件的所有元素。
array.filter(function(currentValue,index,arr){}, thisValue)
var designer = peoples.filter(function (people) {return people.job === "designer";});
var totalScore = peoples
.filter(function (person) {return person.isForceUser;})
.map(function (choose) {return choose.mathScore + choose.englishScore;})
.reduce(function (total, score) {return total + score;}, 0);
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div.pane');
var text = Array.from(divs, (d) => d.textContent);
console.log("div text:", text);
// Old, ES5 way to get array from arguments
function() {var args = \[\].slice.call(arguments);
// Using ES6 Array.from
function() {var args = Array.from(arguments);
var filled = Array.from(\[1,,2,,3\], (n) => n || 0);
console.log("filled:", filled);
// =\> \[1,0,2,0,3\]
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