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  • 线程组介绍
  • 线程组的构造
  • ThreadGroup 方法介绍

    • 查看线程组信息
    • 终止线程组中的所有线程
  • 总结
  • Links

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线程组 (ThreadGroup) 简单来说就是一个线程集合。线程组的出现是为了更方便地管理线程。

线程组是父子结构的,一个线程组可以集成其他线程组,同时也可以拥有其他子线程组。从结构上看,线程组是一个树形结构,每个线程都隶属于一个线程组,线程组又有父线程组,这样追溯下去,可以追溯到一个根线程组——System 线程组。

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  1. JVM 创建的 system 线程组是用来处理 JVM 的系统任务的线程组,例如对象的销毁等。
  2. system 线程组的直接子线程组是 main 线程组,这个线程组至少包含一个 main 线程,用于执行 main 方法。
  3. main 线程组的子线程组就是应用程序创建的线程组。

你可以在 main 方法中看到 JVM 创建的 system 线程组和 main 线程组:

public static void main(String[] args) {ThreadGroup mainThreadGroup=Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
      ThreadGroup systenThreadGroup=mainThreadGroup.getParent();
      System.out.println("systenThreadGroup name ="+systenThreadGroup.getName());
      System.out.println("mainThreadGroup name ="+mainThreadGroup.getName());

console 输出:

systenThreadGroup name = system
mainThreadGroup name = main




Constructor Description
ThreadGroup(String name) 根据线程组名称创建线程组,其父线程组为 main 线程组
ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent, String name) 根据线程组名称创建线程组,其父线程组为指定的 parent 线程组


public static void main(String[] args) {ThreadGroup subThreadGroup1 = new ThreadGroup("subThreadGroup1");
    ThreadGroup subThreadGroup2 = new ThreadGroup(subThreadGroup1, "subThreadGroup2");
    System.out.println("subThreadGroup1 parent name =" + subThreadGroup1.getParent().getName());
    System.out.println("subThreadGroup2 parent name =" + subThreadGroup2.getParent().getName());

console 输出:

subThreadGroup1 parent name = main
subThreadGroup2 parent name = subThreadGroup1

ThreadGroup 方法介绍

ThreadGroup 提供了很多有用的方法,下面提供了这些方法的简要介绍,以及部分方法的使用示例。

S.N. Method Description
1) void checkAccess() This method determines if the currently running thread has permission to modify the thread group.
2) int activeCount() This method returns an estimate of the number of active threads in the thread group and its subgroups.
3) int activeGroupCount() This method returns an estimate of the number of active groups in the thread group and its subgroups.
4) void destroy() This method destroys the thread group and all of its subgroups.
5) int enumerate(Thread[] list) This method copies into the specified array every active thread in the thread group and its subgroups.
6) int getMaxPriority() This method returns the maximum priority of the thread group.
7) String getName() This method returns the name of the thread group.
8) ThreadGroup getParent() This method returns the parent of the thread group.
9) void interrupt() This method interrupts all threads in the thread group.
10) boolean isDaemon() This method tests if the thread group is a daemon thread group.
11) void setDaemon(boolean daemon) This method changes the daemon status of the thread group.
12) boolean isDestroyed() This method tests if this thread group has been destroyed.
13) void list() This method prints information about the thread group to the standard output.
14) boolean parentOf(ThreadGroup g) This method tests if the thread group is either the thread group argument or one of its ancestor thread groups.
15) void suspend() This method is used to suspend all threads in the thread group.
16) void resume() This method is used to resume all threads in the thread group which was suspended using suspend() method.
17) void setMaxPriority(int pri) This method sets the maximum priority of the group.
18) void stop() This method is used to stop all threads in the thread group.
19) String toString() This method returns a string representation of the Thread group.



public static void list(){ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup ("subgroup 1");
        Thread t1 = new Thread (tg, "thread 1");
        Thread t2 = new Thread (tg, "thread 2");
        Thread t3 = new Thread (tg, "thread 3");
        tg = new ThreadGroup ("subgroup 2");
        Thread t4 = new Thread (tg, "my thread");
        tg = Thread.currentThread ().getThreadGroup ();
        int agc = tg.activeGroupCount ();
        System.out.println ("Active thread groups in" + tg.getName () + "thread group:" + agc);
        tg.list ();}


Active thread groups in main thread group: 2
    java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=subgroup 1,maxpri=10]
    java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=subgroup 2,maxpri=10]



因此 Thread.currentThread().stop(), Thread.currentThread().suspend(), Thread.currentThread().resume() 都已经被废弃了。

interrupt 的作用其实也不是中断线程,而是「通知线程应该中断了」,具体到底中断还是继续运行,应该由被通知的线程自己处理。

public class ThreadGroupExampleInterrupt {public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Start two threads
        MyThread mt = new MyThread();
        mt = new MyThread();

        // Wait 2 seconds
        try {Thread.sleep(2000);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();

        // Interrupt all methods in the same thread group as the main thread

    // 一个启动以后进入等待,直到被 interrupt 的线程
    static class MyThread extends Thread {public void run() {synchronized ("A") {System.out.println(getName() + "about to wait.");
                try {"A".wait();
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {System.out.println(getName() + "interrupted.");
                System.out.println(getName() + "terminating.");


执行 main 方法输出:

A about to wait.
B about to wait.
A interrupted.
A terminating.
B interrupted.
B terminating.


本节介绍了线程组 ThreadGroup 的概念,及其结构和构造函数,并演示了使用线程组方便地管理组内线程的几个方法。





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  • Java 并发之线程组 ThreadGroup

作者:涛哥 (
公众号:西召 (westcall)
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