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在深入研究熔断器之前,我们需要先看一下 Hystrix 的几个重要的默认配置,这几个配置在HystrixCommandProperties

// 时间窗(ms)static final Integer default_metricsRollingStatisticalWindow = 10000;
// 最少请求次数
private static final Integer default_circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold = 20;
// 熔断器打开后开始尝试半开的时间间隔
private static final Integer default_circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds = 5000;
// 错误比例
private static final Integer default_circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage = 50;


  1. 每 10 秒的窗口期内,当请求次数超过 20 次,且出错比例超过 50%,则触发熔断器打开
  2. 当熔断器 5 秒后,会尝试放过去一部分流量进行试探

熔断器的初始化是在 HystrixCircuitBreaker.FactorygetInstance方法

        private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixCircuitBreaker> circuitBreakersByCommand = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixCircuitBreaker>();

        public static HystrixCircuitBreaker getInstance(HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey group, HystrixCommandProperties properties, HystrixCommandMetrics metrics) {
            // this should find it for all but the first time
            HystrixCircuitBreaker previouslyCached = circuitBreakersByCommand.get(key.name());
            if (previouslyCached != null) {return previouslyCached;}

            // if we get here this is the first time so we need to initialize

            // Create and add to the map ... use putIfAbsent to atomically handle the possible race-condition of
            // 2 threads hitting this point at the same time and let ConcurrentHashMap provide us our thread-safety
            // If 2 threads hit here only one will get added and the other will get a non-null response instead.
            HystrixCircuitBreaker cbForCommand = circuitBreakersByCommand.putIfAbsent(key.name(), new HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl(key, group, properties, metrics));
            if (cbForCommand == null) {
                // this means the putIfAbsent step just created a new one so let's retrieve and return it
                return circuitBreakersByCommand.get(key.name());
            } else {
                // this means a race occurred and while attempting to 'put' another one got there before
                // and we instead retrieved it and will now return it
                return cbForCommand;

由上方代码可知,每一个熔断器都是由 HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl 实现的,而所有的熔断器都维护在 circuitBreakersByCommand 这个 ConcurrentHashMap

class HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl implements HystrixCircuitBreaker {
    private final HystrixCommandProperties properties;
    private final HystrixCommandMetrics metrics;

    enum Status {CLOSED, OPEN, HALF_OPEN}

    private final AtomicReference<Status> status = new AtomicReference<Status>(Status.CLOSED);
    private final AtomicLong circuitOpened = new AtomicLong(-1);
    private final AtomicReference<Subscription> activeSubscription = new AtomicReference<Subscription>(null);

    protected HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl(HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup, final HystrixCommandProperties properties, HystrixCommandMetrics metrics) {
        this.properties = properties;
        this.metrics = metrics;

        //On a timer, this will set the circuit between OPEN/CLOSED as command executions occur
        Subscription s = subscribeToStream();


  1. HystrixCommandProperties:当前熔断器的配置
  2. HystrixCommandMetrics:请求统计组件
  3. Status:熔断器状态枚举,一共包含三种,关闭、打开和半开
  4. status:当前熔断器的状态
  5. circuitOpened:当前熔断器的打开时间
  6. activeSubscription:订阅请求统计的处理函数
private Subscription subscribeToStream() {
             * This stream will recalculate the OPEN/CLOSED status on every onNext from the health stream
            return metrics.getHealthCountsStream()
                    .subscribe(new Subscriber<HealthCounts>() {
                        public void onCompleted() {}

                        public void onError(Throwable e) { }

                        public void onNext(HealthCounts hc) {
                            // check if we are past the statisticalWindowVolumeThreshold
                            if (hc.getTotalRequests() < properties.circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold().get()) {
                                // we are not past the minimum volume threshold for the stat window,
                                // so no change to circuit status.
                                // if it was CLOSED, it stays CLOSED
                                // if it was half-open, we need to wait for a successful command execution
                                // if it was open, we need to wait for sleep window to elapse
                            } else {if (hc.getErrorPercentage() < properties.circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage().get()) {
                                    //we are not past the minimum error threshold for the stat window,
                                    // so no change to circuit status.
                                    // if it was CLOSED, it stays CLOSED
                                    // if it was half-open, we need to wait for a successful command execution
                                    // if it was open, we need to wait for sleep window to elapse
                                } else {
                                    // our failure rate is too high, we need to set the state to OPEN
                                    if (status.compareAndSet(Status.CLOSED, Status.OPEN)) {circuitOpened.set(System.currentTimeMillis());

直接看 onNext 方法里的处理方式:

  1. 时间窗内的请求数量是否达标,按默认配置就是 10 秒钟的请求数是否超过 20 次,如果不达标不能开启熔断器
  2. else 中首先判断错误比例是否达到比例,按默认就是 50%
  3. 满足打开条件,使用 CAS 修改状态为打开,并记录打开时间 circuitOpened 为当前时间




        public boolean attemptExecution() {if (properties.circuitBreakerForceOpen().get()) {return false;}
            if (properties.circuitBreakerForceClosed().get()) {return true;}
            if (circuitOpened.get() == -1) {return true;} else {if (isAfterSleepWindow()) {if (status.compareAndSet(Status.OPEN, Status.HALF_OPEN)) {
                        //only the first request after sleep window should execute
                        return true;
                    } else {return false;}
                } else {return false;}
  1. 第一个 if,如果配置强制熔断则返回 false 表示开启熔断器进入降级逻辑
  2. 第二个,如果配置强制关闭则返回正常不进行后续的判断
  3. 第三个,打开时间为空则肯定没打开过
  4. 第四个,判断是否满足尝试时间,默认是 5 秒钟。时间计算方式如下:
private boolean isAfterSleepWindow() {final long circuitOpenTime = circuitOpened.get();
    final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final long sleepWindowTime = properties.circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds().get();
    return currentTime > circuitOpenTime + sleepWindowTime;
  1. 当满足尝试时则使用 CAS 方式修改熔断器为半开状态


 public void markSuccess() {if (status.compareAndSet(Status.HALF_OPEN, Status.CLOSED)) {
                //This thread wins the race to close the circuit - it resets the stream to start it over from 0
                Subscription previousSubscription = activeSubscription.get();
                if (previousSubscription != null) {previousSubscription.unsubscribe();
                Subscription newSubscription = subscribeToStream();


        public void markNonSuccess() {if (status.compareAndSet(Status.HALF_OPEN, Status.OPEN)) {
                //This thread wins the race to re-open the circuit - it resets the start time for the sleep window
