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Thanos Dust Effect
Effects Demo
As Thanos making a snap with the Infinite Gauntlet, half the heros vanish to dust. As using the time stone, people come back.
The procedures:
- Click the Gauntlet button, and display animation to make a snap, and play audio file;
Select half heros by random, the random method is to resort members array;
arr.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random(); });
Make selected item to dust
- 3.1 use html2canvas library to convert dom to a canvas image
- 3.2 split the canvas images into many pieces by pixel,
function generateFrames()
- 3.3 create a container which has the same size and position as the converted dom
- 3.4 appendChild to the container with the pieces
- 3.5 rotate random degrees and translate random pixel for each piece, which shows the dust animation
- 3.6 set converted dom item to be invisible and finish the SNAP action
- Reverse time to bring heros back by adjusting the visibility of converted dom items
Why use a nodejs express server?
A static html file will show errors with “Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data”, even if I set allowTaint to be true.
发表至: javascript