CNCF参与Google Summer of Code 2019!感兴趣的学生现在是加入的最佳时机


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Google Summer of Code(GSoC)是面向开源开发领域新贡献者的最知名和最受欢迎的计划之一,我们很高兴地宣布 CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation,云原生计算基金会)参与 GSoC 2019!
CNCF 是过去几年(包括 2017 年和 2018 年)GSoC 中最活跃的参与者之一,我们将在 2019 年继续这项工作,有近 50 个项目构想涉及 13 个 CNCF 项目。
如果你是学生,计划参加 GSoC 2019,现在是审查项目构想,并与导师开始讨论的最佳时机。这里分享一篇去年浙江大学研究生,在谐云实习的 Jian Liu,有关“GSoC 18:Kata Containers 对 containerd 的支持”的经验。
Kubernetes 项目构想

Integrate kube-batch with pytorch-operator/mxnet-operator
Implement volume snapshotting support into the external Manila provisioner
Enable full e2e tests for external Azure cloud provider
CSI driver for AzureDisk
CSI driver for AzureFile
CSI driver for Blobfuse
Streamline and simplify SASS for the Kubernetes website
Fully automate API and reference doc generation
Add support for Custom Resource Definitions to the Dashboard
Add plugin mechanism to the Dashboard

Prometheus 项目构想

Benchmarks for TSDB
Continue the work on Prombench
Persist Retroactive Rule Reevaluations
Optimize queries using regex matchers for set lookups
Package for bulk imports

Open Policy Agent (OPA) 项目构想

IntelliJ plugin to experiment with and visualize policy evaluation
Interactive website detailing OPA integrations
Integration with IPTables

CoreDNS 项目构想

Support source-IP based query block/allow
Support Google Cloud DNS backend
Support Azure DNS backend

TiKV 项目构想

Migrate to tower-grpc
Introduce other storage engines
Build TiKV clients in different languages
Auto-tune RocksDB

Rook 项目构想

Upgrade Rook to a more advanced operator/controller framework
Storage provider features and enhancements
Enable multiple network interfaces for Rook storage providers
Enhance and extend the Rook framework for storage solutions
Expand coverage and scope of Rook’s continuous integration (CI) system
Dynamic provisioning for portable workloads

Linkerd and Envoy 项目构想
Benchmarks for Linkerd and Envoy
Virtual Kubelet 项目构想
Conformance testing for Virtual Kubelet
Linkerd 项目构想

Cross-cloud integration testing
Conformance Validation
Alertmanager Integration
Kafka Introspection

rkt 项目构想

Add support for the OCI runtime spec by implementing a runc stage2
Add native OCI image support

containerd 项目构想

Snapshotter implementation for block devices
p2p or remote blob store implementation

Falco 项目构想

Improved Falco Outputs
Additional Event Sources
Layer 7 Inspection and Detection
Falco integration with AI/ML platforms
Prometheus Metrics Exporter
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Falco rules profiles for applications and security benchmarks

Cortex 项目构想

Improve Ingester Handover
Centralized Rate Limiting
Use etcd in Cortex

请在 CNCF 的 GitHub 页面上查看 2019 年项目构想的完整列表,包括描述、推荐技巧和导师资料等。

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 和 Open Source Summit 大会日期:

会议日程通告日期:2019 年 4 月 10 日
会议活动举办日期:2019 年 6 月 24 至 26 日

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 和 Open Source Summit 赞助方案 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 和 Open Source Summit 多元化奖学金现正接受申请 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 和 Open Source Summit 即将首次合体落地中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 和 Open Source Summit 购票窗口,立即购票!
