共计 3429 个字符,预计需要花费 9 分钟才能阅读完成。
接下来我们来看一下 build-transaction 接口的代码实现过程,代码如下:
// POST /build-chain-transactions
func (a *API) buildChainTxs(ctx context.Context, buildReqs *BuildRequest) Response {
// 验证请求 id
subctx := reqid.NewSubContext(ctx, reqid.New())
// 构建交易,方法的具体过程在下面
tmpls, err := a.buildTxs(subctx, buildReqs)
if err != nil {
return NewErrorResponse(err)
return NewSuccessResponse(tmpls)
核心的实现方法,buildTxs 方法的实现如下:
func (a *API) buildTxs(ctx context.Context, req *BuildRequest) ([]*txbuilder.Template, error) {
// 验证参数的合法性
if err := a.checkRequestValidity(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 合并处理交易输入输出的类型组合
actions, err := a.mergeSpendActions(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 构建一笔新的交易模板
builder := txbuilder.NewBuilder(time.Now().Add(req.TTL.Duration))
// 声明交易模板
tpls := []*txbuilder.Template{}
// 遍历交易的输入输出类型组合
for _, action := range actions {
// 类型组合的输入为 apend_account
if action.ActionType() == “spend_account” {
// 构建花费的输入输出类型组合并且自动合并 UTXO
tpls, err = account.SpendAccountChain(ctx, builder, action)
} else {
// 构建交易输入输出类型组合
err = action.Build(ctx, builder)
if err != nil {
// 回滚
return nil, err
// 构建交易
tpl, _, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
// 回滚
return nil, err
tpls = append(tpls, tpl)
return tpls, nil
build 方法的实现过程:
// Build build transactions with template
func (b *TemplateBuilder) Build() (*Template, *types.TxData, error) {
// Run any building callbacks.
for _, cb := range b.callbacks {
err := cb()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tpl := &Template{}
tx := b.base
if tx == nil {
tx = &types.TxData{
Version: 1,
if b.timeRange != 0 {
tx.TimeRange = b.timeRange
// Add all the built outputs.
tx.Outputs = append(tx.Outputs, b.outputs…)
// Add all the built inputs and their corresponding signing instructions.
for i, in := range b.inputs {
instruction := b.signingInstructions[i]
instruction.Position = uint32(len(tx.Inputs))
// Empty signature arrays should be serialized as empty arrays, not null.
if instruction.WitnessComponents == nil {
instruction.WitnessComponents = []witnessComponent{}
tpl.SigningInstructions = append(tpl.SigningInstructions, instruction)
tx.Inputs = append(tx.Inputs, in)
tpl.Transaction = types.NewTx(*tx)
tpl.Fee = CalculateTxFee(tpl.Transaction)
return tpl, tx, nil
下面我们来介绍一下花费未确认的交易,我们首先介绍一下什么是花费未确认的交易。我们知道 UTXO 模型在交易的过程中,如果交易未打包确认。再进行第二笔转账就会存在“双花”问题,就不能再发起交易或者需要等一段时间才能再发起一笔交易。如果使用花费未确认的交易就可以避免这个问题。
type spendAction struct {
accounts *Manager // 存储账户及其相关的控制程序参数
bc.AssetAmount // 资产 id 和资产数量的结构体
AccountID string `json:”account_id”` // 账户 id
UseUnconfirmed bool `json:”use_unconfirmed”` // 是否未确认
// MergeSpendAction merge common assetID and accountID spend action
func MergeSpendAction(actions []txbuilder.Action) []txbuilder.Action {
// 声明变量,map
resultActions := []txbuilder.Action{}
spendActionMap := make(map[string]*spendAction)
// 遍历交易的输入输出类型组合
for _, act := range actions {
switch act := act.(type) {
case *spendAction:
//actionKey 字符串拼接
actionKey := act.AssetId.String() + act.AccountID
// 遍历 spendActionMap
if tmpAct, ok := spendActionMap[actionKey]; ok {
tmpAct.Amount += act.Amount
tmpAct.UseUnconfirmed = tmpAct.UseUnconfirmed || act.UseUnconfirmed
} else {
spendActionMap[actionKey] = act
resultActions = append(resultActions, act)
resultActions = append(resultActions, act)
return resultActions