Brief introduction of how to ‘Call, Apply and Bind’


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关于 this
在绝大多数情况下,函数的调用方式决定了 this 的值。this 不能在执行期间被赋值,并且在每次函数被调用时 this 的值也可能会不同。
全局 this
window.something = ‘I love JavaScript’
console.log(this.something) // ‘I love JavaScript’
console.log(window === this) // true
调用全局 function
var a = 1
function test() { console.log(this.a) }
test() // 1 – still remains the window reference
调用对象中的 function
this.a = ‘I am in the global scope’
function Test() {
this.a = ‘I am in the test scope’ = function() { console.log(this.a) }
Test.prototype.display = function () { console.log(this.a) }
var test = new Test() // updated the scope of this // I am in the test scope
test.display() // I am in the test scope
关于 call / apply
JavaScript 内部提供了一种机制,让我们可以自行手动设置 this 的指向。它们就是 call 与 apply。所有的函数都具有着两个方法。它们除了参数略有不同,其功能完全一样。它们的第一个参数都为 this 将要指向的对象。
function Laptop(name, storage) { = name = storage

function Dell(name, storage, company) {, ‘Dell’, 1024) = company

console.log(new Dell(‘Dell’, 1024, ‘Dell Inc’).storage)
改变 this
var obj = {
entry: ‘mammals-banana-tower’,
duration: 0

function breed(name) {
console.log(‘Show this breeding info’, name, this.entry, this.duration)
console.log(this === obj)

breed() // this => window, ‘Frank’) // this => obj
注:当没有传递任何参数作为 call() 的第一个参数时,在非严格模式下,this 会指向 window。
实现一个简单的 call
var _call = function (that) {
that = that ? Object(that) : window
that.func = this

function formatArgs(oArgs, sign) {
var _args
for (var i = 1, len = oArgs.length; i < len; i++) {
_args.push(sign ? (‘_param_’ + i) : oArgs[i])
return _args

var args = formatArgs(arguments)
var newFunc = (new Function(‘args’, ‘return that.func(‘ + formatArgs(args, true).toString() + ‘)’))(args)

that.func = null
return newFunc
关于 bind
() => {} 和 bind this
用过 React 的同学都知道,当使用 class component 时,需要在 constructor 绑定当前的成员函数,或者针对事件委托的情况下,也需要进行绑定;ES6 箭头函数可以让我们更专注于具体的实现逻辑,简化了 this 操作
// ES5
// <a onclick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}></a>
// constructor() { this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this) }

// ES6
// <a onclick={() => handleClick()}></a>
// handleClick = () => {}
无效的 re-bound
var f = function() { console.log(this.text) }
f = f.bind({text: ‘I was bound’}).bind({text: ‘I won’t be bound’})
f() // I was bound
很容易发现,f.bind() 返回的绑定函数对象仅在创建是保留当前的上下文(或者传入的参数),因此无法在第二次进行重绑定。
一个相对完善的 bind
var _bind = function (that) {

var fBound,
target = this,
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
toStr = Object.prototype.toString,
args =, 1); // except that

if (typeof target !== ‘function’ || !== ‘[object Function]’) {
throw new TypeError(‘Function.prototype.bind – what is trying to be bound is not callable’);

var binder = function () {
var oArgs = args.concat(
if (this instanceof fBound) {
var result = target.apply(this, oArgs);
return Object(result) === result ? result : this;
} else {
return target.apply(that, oArgs);

var i = 0,
params = [],
paramLength = Math.max(0, target.length – args.length);

for (; i < paramLength; i++) {
params.push(‘_param_’ + i);

fBound = (new Function(
‘return function(‘ + params.join(‘,’) + ‘) {return binder.apply(this,arguments); }’

// maintain the reference of prototype
if (target.prototype) {
var fNOP = function () {};
fNOP.prototype = target.prototype;
fBound.prototype = new fNOP();
fNOP.prototype = null;

return fBound;

